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How to Turn Your Backyard Into the Perfect Party Space

Every once in a while, a special occasion rolls around and you want to throw a party, gather up your loved ones and celebrate. The thing is, doing an event at a formal venue can be expensive and stressful. If you have a big backyard and space in your home, you can totally turn that into the perfect party space, and the perfect outdoor living oasis where you can make some memories with your friends and family. So how do you get your backyard ready for a party? Here are a few ideas.

Your backyard may not be in the best shape for your event, but a little bit of clean-up can solve that problem quickly. You can take time to clear the clutter or even get someone to help you. If you have a swimming pool in your space, it takes up a lot of attention, so if you’re having an event it needs to be clean. This can be a bit of a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. You can hire professionals to do it for you. According to MPS, a pool service in Houston, “Very few people have the time or energy to regularly clean their pool.

When you do have time to spend on your pool, you’d much rather be swimming in it! Your time, especially the precious moments you get to relax and celebrate with family and friends is extremely valuable. We can handle the clean on you so you can focus on enjoying your home.”

Start With The Details

Start With The Details

Here are a few things to consider and think about when you start prepping for your party.

The first thing you’ll need to figure out is what exactly your event will be, because that determines how you lay out the space and decorate. If it’s a luncheon, you would need a long table for everyone to sit. If you want people to dance, leave a space to be designated as a dancefloor, and if you’re having a buffet, you’ll need a long table for all the food to be.

  1. No matter what, be sure to create small intimate seating areas for people to interact and mingle.
  2. Figure out your guest list and how many people you want to invite. This determines how things like tables will be laid out, along with how much food to serve and how the movement of people will flow.
  3. Next thing is whether or not you’ll have a theme for your party. Is it dress up, beach-themed, or just something casual? If not a theme, you would have to think about a color scheme. This will help you in shopping for or hiring decorative items, and you can even ask your guests to wear a specific color. For example, if you’re doing a gender reveal, you can have your guests wear pink or blue, depending on what they think the gender will be.

Choose a Focal Point

Choose a Focal Point

If you want to make a big decorative impact on your space for an event, make sure you have a central point of interest that can be the main gathering space. There are many options. You can choose a wall of flowers, they are quite inexpensive to buy or even make.

You can also put a wall of photos if you’re commemorating a birthday or anniversary.

Another great idea is to make your swimming pool the focal point. You can put string lights above it and floating candles inside it. If you have more money to spare, you can even get a floor put over the pool, so your backyard can accommodate more people.


Nothing turns a home into a space for entertaining as instantly and effectively as string or fairy lights. Not only are they inexpensive, but they make a very big visual impact. You can string the lights on the patio or put them around the parameter of the space designated for the party. It’s a quick and easy way to make your home feel a lot more festive.

Your home can be the perfect location for your next event. It can be a place for you to plan a gathering with a lot less stress because you know that everything will be a lot cheaper and easier to plan. If you have the space in your home, why waste money on hiring an event space? All you need are a few decorative items and putting on your party planner hat. If you do this, you can have the next memorable event, right in your backyard!

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