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How to Setup a Blog in 2020 that Makes Real Money

Thinking about finally setting up your blog? While blogging is one of the best ways to make money online, it is not an easy thing to start for beginners. First off, there are lots of low quality posts out there, all promising to help you set up your blog and monetize it. In this post, we have done all the difficult work for you. This post shows you how to set up a blog in just eight simple steps quickly. 

Setting up a blog in just 8 simple steps

Step 1: Select a niche for your blog

If you know how to set up a blog, it starts with a niche. To have a successful and profitable blog, you need to choose a niche and settle for it. You should find out how to monetize it and also determine your readers. A niche is the primary subject matter of your blog. The topic that you would be writing regularly on. Niche blogging simply means setting up a blog to promote a particular market. Most niche blogs can easily be monetized. The best niche to start your first blog is the one you are most passionate about. The most profitable niche however is one that has enough interest and less competition, not to mention good affiliate opportunities.

Step 2: Select a blogging website

At this point, you will have to select from the leading blogging platforms to create your blog. There are lots of resources to help you start your blog. You could choose a free blog, or you could go for a hosted blog. There are a number of articles online about how to set up a blog for free that can help you with setting up a free blog.

Step 3: Select the name of your domain

chose a domain name for your blog

The name of your domain is the name by which you are known online. The domain name does not have anything to do with your chosen niche. The domain name is a customised address that identifies you on the internet. You can opt for a branded domain OR a keyword centric domain, depending on what you prefer. Try and stick to a .com if you are targeting US or global traffic. For country specific blogs, you should target ccTLD domains. For e.g. If you’re in UK, and wish to promote to UK audience only, a .co.uk domain would be a better candidate. Similarly .com.au for Australian audience, .in for Indian audience, .ca for Canadian audience, etc. you get the drill.

Step 4: Get a blog hosting account

select web hosting plan

You can skip this step if you are looking to start a free blog. But a hosted blog is more profitable than a free blog. Soon as you have chosen a domain name for yourself, you can now select a reliable hosting partner.

Step 5: Beginning your blog on WordPress

setup wordpress blogWhile there are so many websites that you can set your blog on, WordPress is the leading blogging platform that you can set up your blog on. It is the chosen platform for most freelance bloggers. If you know how to set up a WordPress blog, then you are good to go. Setting up a blog in WordPress is easy. All you have to do is to fill in your personal information in addition to the details of your new blog. The process typically ends with you finally chosen a theme, and you are then told to view the layout of your new blog. Creating a blog on WordPress is a straightforward process.

Step 6: Launch with a blog host

write new wordpress blog postWhile WordPress can help you host your blog. There are several hosting sites that you can select to get your blog online. A hosted blog is typically more profitable and has a higher functionality in comparison to a static-free blog. The moment that you choose a blog host, you can then officially launch your blog online.

Step 7: Write content on your blog and promote it.

You have finally launched your blog online. It has the perfect theme, design, and layout to suit your niche. Great, the real work has just begun. You can now start writing unique content on the blog and publishing it for your readers. Then to get the word out, you can start promoting your blog through several ways to optimize the visibility of the blog.

Step 8: Monetize your blog

For your blog to become a profitable one, you have to monetize the blog. Your blog can be monetized through advertisements, affiliate programs, selling your services and products, selling eBooks, and sponsored posts. You will have to be familiar with how to set up a blog site and make money to achieve this.


So, that is all there is to how to set up a blog website and to get it monetized. But the work just doesn’t stop there. You will have to create numerous content and engage in a serious blog promotion campaign to get the word out about your blog. That way, you can expect to finally get sufficient revenue from your blog like most successful bloggers.

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