Home / Home Improvement / How to Protect a Kitchen Sink Cabinet from Water Damage

How to Protect a Kitchen Sink Cabinet from Water Damage

Beautiful white kitchen sink cabinet, seen from the exterior, with modern pulls and wooden floor
This Simple Solution will keep your kitchen sink cabinet nice and dry. (©Sonyachny, Adobe Stock Photos)

Theoretically, the inside of your kitchen sink cabinet shouldn’t get wet, but in the real world, that’s just not the case.

There’s often a leak, either from the trap or the faucet, and if water sits on the plywood floor, it will eventually rot it out. Here’s a way to prevent that.

Protect Your Kitchen Sink Cabinet on the Cheap

Do you want to know the easiest, most affordable way to protect your kitchen sink cabinet? It takes just a quick trip to the home center and very little work.

Just buy some vinyl tiles!

They cost about a buck apiece and they’ve got a peel-and-stick adhesive on the back. So, all you need to do is remove the paper backing, peel it off, and it’s a simple installation — just press down.

But first, make sure you clean the kitchen sink cabinet floor well and remove all the dust, or the glue won’t stick.

Put Your Best Peel-and-Stick Tiles Forward

Now, you may have to cut off an inch of the tiles so they fit. If that’s the case, slide those sliced tiles in the back.

Then, butt the seams up tightly — as tight as you can get them — and press them down. This ensures you’ll have full tiles in the front.

And just work your way from the back to the front, all the way across the floor of the cabinet.

What you’ll end up with is a kitchen sink cabinet floor that’s not only water-resistant but also is really easy to clean!

Best of all? This works for any other room with a sink cabinet! So try it in your bathrooms and laundry room. 

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