Home / Interior Design / How to make the fluffiest {and cutest} yarn Christmas trees!

How to make the fluffiest {and cutest} yarn Christmas trees!

I hope you had a relaxing weekend and stuffed your bellies! I got a ton done around here, including finishing up a really cute yarn Christmas craft. I couldn’t wait to show you because I just think these are the cutest. 
I wanted some new holiday decor for our basement but didn’t want to spend a ton of money — I came up with this idea and they turned out better than I imagined. I was going to use basic yarn on Styrofoam cones, but wanted a fluffier look. 
Enter this finger knit yarn I’ve had forever — for the blanket I still haven’t made yet, ha!: 
cream finger knit yarn
It is SO so soft and fluffy and I had an idea — I wondered how it would work wound around the cones instead of regular yarn. Well, I’ll tell you…it worked ADORABLE. 😁
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I started with basic craft foam forms: 
Styrofoam cones for Christmas
And used my hot glue to attach the yard at the base first: 
Adding fluffy yarn to foam cones
I started about an inch from the bottom because this yarn drapes so much. 
I went up about 3/4 to an inch each pass around the cone: 
Hot glue yarn to foam cones

Just do a bead of hot glue and then lightly press the top portion of the yarn along the glue. 

I just kept wrapping…this was a great mindless craft to do while watching TV. They go together fast: 

Fluffy yarn on foam cone
That’s it! I did three different sizes — one was about six inches, one was 11 inches and the final was about 17 inches but I cut those two down a bit:
Fluffy finger knit yarn trees
You can find all of the foam cones I used here! I used one skein of yarn for all the trees and had a bit leftover. 
It’s like a snowy, fluffy forest! 🙂 I think they are the cutest. You don’t even have to do anything to cover the white foam — it disappears behind the yarn: 
White fluffy yarn trees
I giggled every time I finished one. They are adorable and SO easy and inexpensive! The foam products are often on sale, or you can use a coupon at one of the craft stores.
I added some of the fairy lights I showed you here for a bit of twinkle: 

Fluffy yarn trees with fairy lights
You can also have them glow from “inside” by running those tiny lights under the yarn around the tree: 

Fairy lights inside foam yarn trees

And if you want a pop of color you could stick in red beads here and there in the yarn to look like berries.
I wanted something simple but fun on this table in our basement and these were perfect. I went super cozy and a bit rustic down there so they fit right in!: 
Rustic table with fluffy craft trees

I love our “snowy” fluffy trees. I bet these would be really cute in a green yarn as well for a mixed white and green forest. I used the Bernat brand finger knit yarn (here are all the colors they offer!) but the cream seems hard to find right now. This one looks identical, you just don’t get as much. 
You can pin this craft for later using this image: 
Fluffy yarn Christmas trees in cream
Now I’m off to make a scarf with the remaining yarn I have! 😉 Check out a bunch of my favorite, easy Christmas crafts here
wood Christmas gift with ribbon craft

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Thrifty Decor Chick


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