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How to make the easiest banana bread

easy banana bread

I’m back today with a very quick, YUMMY, very easy banana bread recipe – and I just had to share it because for years I thought it was way harder than this.

I love when I think something is difficult for so long and then do a quick search on the net and realize it’s not hard at all. Or maybe I hate when that happens, because I’ve denied myself the goodness all that time.

I found this recipe on Simply Recipes and I love it because you probably already all of the ingredients in your pantry.

It seriously took five minutes to mix everything:
banana bread ingredients

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(I took this after I had already mashed the bananas, these are not quite ripe yet.)

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees before starting.

Easiest banana bread recipe 

3 or 4 ripe bananas, smashed (I used four but three are plenty) 
1/3 cup melted butter 
3/4 to 1 cup sugar
1 egg, beaten 
1 teaspoon vanilla 
1 teaspoon baking soda 
Pinch of salt 
1 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour
Cinnamon, nuts, raisins, per your tastes

I love that the ingredients are so basic – I had everything I needed on hand. How often does that happen when you want something specific?

First mash up the bananas (I used a potato masher), and then add the melted butter:

Easy banana bread recipe Yummy and easy banana bread

YUM, banana goo!

Then mix in the sugar, egg, and vanilla:
How to make easy banana bread

Add the baking soda and salt and mix:Super easy banana bread

Add the flour last, bake at 350 in a preheated oven for one hour and you’re done!

I added a bit of cinnamon at the end too, just because cinnamon is good in just about any baked item. In my opinion.

I don’t care for nuts in banana bread, so this recipe was perfect for me. If you like them in your nanner bread, I’m guessing about half a cup would be perfect.

The recipe specifies an 8” by 4” loaf pan, but all we have is a 9 by 5. Because of that I baked it for about 50 minutes instead of an hour.

It came out perfect:
easy banana bread recipe

I may or may not have eaten about five a couple pieces by the time I took this picture. 🙂

It is SO good. Especially yummy warm from the oven, with a little butter…um, what was I saying? I may add a few raisins in my next loaf – I think that would be amazing.

Now go forth and bake!

**Check out my other easy recipes here, including three of my very favorite crock pot soups, yummy peanut butter pie and super easy crockpot applesauce.

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