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How To Find Blinds That Suit The Style Of Your Home

A home is an enjoyable place where you feel completely safe and contented. Some people look at homes merely as buildings or structures that can accommodate a certain number of individuals who can peacefully coexist. However, such places could also be elevated into the concept of a home, depending on one’s status and lot in life. Hence, people could feel at home in an apartment, a studio, or even an office. But of course, the default concept of a home is always the structure of a house.

Modern loft bedroom with nature view 3d rendering image Furnished with Black wood furniture has concrete floor,white brick walls and large windows look out to nature.

Whether you live in any of these home structures, there would come a time when you’ll need to remodel your home into something that reflects a lot about you. Your abode is your sanctuary, after all, so it’s understandable to convert it into a place that will make you feel safe and secure.

In that sense, what are the things you need to consider? What aspects of your home needs significant improvement, and which areas require only a bit of tweaking? For one, you can look at the space around you and ask yourself how you want it to look like from your perspective. You can indulge your preferences in choosing different decorations, furniture, and appliances—even blinds!

What Are Blinds?

Spacious grey apartment interior

Part of home remodeling or home improvement projects includes looking at your windows and observing the amount of light that comes into your home. If you’re averse to the idea of putting up curtains, blinds could be a viable option since they can serve as protection in many ways. Not only can blinds shield your home structure from the harsh effects of the sun’s rays, but they could also cover you so that no one could look inside. Likewise, it can serve as a decorative material at your home.

You can easily buy blinds at home depots or have them custom-made at different establishments like Make My Blinds and similar specialists. You can start your exploration from these places and ask the experts for recommendations.

Types of Blinds

To find the perfect blinds that will suit the style of your home, you should first get acquainted with what’s available out there. There are so many different blinds you can choose from, so here are a few examples:

  1. Roller blinds. This consists of a piece of fabric wrapped around a bar that you can install at your windows. To use a roller blind, you can pull the string at the side to bring it down.
  2. Wooden blinds. This is made of slabs of wood, with one placed on top of another using a material that can suspend it. Wooden blinds are better known as Venetian blinds.
  3. Vertical blinds. Just like roller blinds, vertical blinds are made of synthetic polyester fabric. But instead of being wrapped around a bar, the fabric stands vertically and is held by a strong material that will allow it to move back and forth a window.
  4. Roman blinds. Roman blinds work the same as roller blinds. But instead of being wrapped around a bar, the fabric is pleated.
  5. Day Night blinds. This is just the same as roller blinds, except that day night blinds have two different fabrics attached. This way, you can easily adjust the amount of light that comes into your home.
  6. Blackout blinds. Blackout blinds are tailor-made to fit the exact dimensions of your windows to prevent any light from coming in. Its color is mostly black, but you can also use other dark colors to get the same results.
  7. Plantation shutters. Plantation shutters are designed as louvers, angled at different intervals to allow light to pass through a window or a part of the door.
  8. Conservatory blinds. These are used for conservatories wherein light comes directly from parts of the roof or ceiling. Usually, these blinds are placed to limit the light that comes from the top and not make it too striking.
  9. Skylight blinds. Skylight blinds are similar to Roman blinds in a way that they can also be pleated. However, instead of installing them on windows, skylight blinds are placed on your ceiling. These blinds are most commonly controlled via remote control because they are too high up to access by hand.
  10. Electric blinds. Electric blinds are controlled with a touch of a button installed at the wall of your home or via remote control. This allows your blinds to easily adapt to the light coming from the outside.

Choosing the Best Blinds

Right now, you pretty much have an idea of how blinds work and how they look like. When you redesign your home, it’s crucial to find the type of blinds that will not just suit you but one that will suit the look of the room you’re fixing.

Here are a few tips to consider:

  • Measure all windows carefully

Make sure to measure the length and width of all your windows before buying anything. Also, be meticulous in doing so because there might be discrepancies in size, which will impact the blinds you’ll get. It’s best not to deduct an inch or two from your measurements to ensure that your blinds will ultimately cover the light and work best.

  • Match the blinds to the room’s function

Are you buying a set of blinds for the whole house? That may not work since each room will vary in function. Hence, the blinds should also match the room’s vibe and purpose.

For example, blinds to be set up in a kitchen area need to be the easy-to-clean type, especially if your cooking area is near the window where the blinds will be placed. A room with children would need child-friendly blinds since the temptation of hanging items might prompt a child to play with it.

  • Assess the interior design of your space

Is your bedroom full of angled furniture or items? Does your kitchen have modular appliances? Is your living room full of fabric-type furniture or with leather upholstery? Such design observations need to be made so you could choose blinds that will match an area’s overall design philosophy.

  • Be aware of the sun’s position

If there’s a window that gets hit by the sun directly, partially, or it’s not an issue at all, then match the blinds according to these natural specs. Choose the durable type of blinds to block out harsh rays, while lighter types of blinds would be okay to install in the room without direct sunlight.


While the designs and functions of these blinds would be the top considerations before buying, make sure you have studied the product’s durability to ensure that your blinds will last a lifetime in your home. It will be costly to keep replacing them if they’re immediately broken.

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