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How to Create the Perfect Workspace at Home

How to Create the Perfect Workspace at Home

Working from home is one of the biggest trends of the past year. During the Corona pandemic, more and more companies are closing offices or are restricting the full use of the office. Because of this, many of us have started working from home, some even full-time.

To make sure you’ll have the perfect workspace set up at home, Here are some handy tips!

Watch your ergonomics

Just because you’re working from home doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t watch the way you work. Posture and furniture are still quite important during your workday as you’ll be spending full days in that same chair. First of all, you’ll need a desk to work at. In general, any desk will do. However, one thing that you will have to pay attention to is height. Many desks have the option to adjust the height and can be bought at any furniture store. Since you’re working from home, you don’t need a meeting chair as you normally would use at work, an easier option would be to buy a desk chair with adjustable height and backrest. The latter is most important, eight hours a day will cause you severe back injuries if not taken care of. finding the right one can be difficult in these times. Depending on where you might live, stores might even be closed and purchasing has to be done online. Pay attention to the details and specifications to select the chair that best fits you.

Keep the chaos and clutter off your desk

Perfect Workspace at Home

Next, you will need to keep all of your important papers and notes organized, preferably in one place. Not only does having an organized desk keep you more focused, mentally it can be a heavy load if all of your documents are scattered around. This is easily taken care of and can be done in several ways. First of which is a binder stand, a handy way of storing your folders, and even some thinner books. Secondly, you can use a drawer unit to store all your supplies and excess papers that can’t be put in binders, these come in various shapes and sizes. A piece of advice would be to choose one that will fit within the confines of your desk, this way all of your supplies are within reach and easily accessible. Though do make sure this doesn’t impair your leg space or ability to move around.

Don’t overlook the smaller things

Apart from the above-mentioned tips, an often-overlooked aspect is two the keyboard and mouse. Substantial use of a computer mouse or keyboard, coupled with wrong working postures of the hands and wrist, can cause carpal tunnel syndrome. Luckily, specialized equipment exists with the same price tag as a normal mouse or keyboard. Of course, the most important aspect of this is to just take the occasional rest. Take a walk, rest your eyes, and stretch your back and your hands.

In short, to get the perfect workplace at home you’ll need to take care of a couple of aspects. First of all, ergonomics through the right chair/desk and electronic devices. second, organization through the use of binders, drawer units, or other variants of storage facilities.

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