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How to Create Quality ‘Me-Time’ Everyday

Whilst many people may consider ‘me-time’ to be a day at the spa or relaxing by the pool, there are lots of different things that you can do each day to ensure you maintain a good level of self-care. It’s not always possible to take full days out to spend time on yourself, but by including small snippets of me-time in each day you’ll notice a huge difference in your overall mood and quality of life. Here are just a few of the ways you can incorporate me-time into your daily schedule, making it work for you and your routine. 

Switch Off

Switch Off

One of the most important things to do each day is to switch off from technology, social media and other online outlets that can consume huge parts of your day. Relying on technology from day to day can leave you feeling constantly switched on and alert, so it’s really beneficial to turn your phones, laptops and other technology off for at least an hour a day to recharge your own batteries and focus on other things other than a screen. This time can be used to read a book, flick through your favourite magazine or even just sit and watch the world go by, anything that makes you feel content and relaxed. 

Spa-like Activities

Spa-like Activities

If you can’t fit spa days into your routine, then there are lots of spa-like activities that you can introduce into your day. If you’re looking for a way to really enhance your spa-like feeling at home, look at upgrading your shower to a smart shower, giving you that extra quality when it comes to showering and giving you that real pampering feel. Similarly, putting the time aside to enjoy a good face mask, full body TLC with moisturisers and other at home treatments will make you feel wonderful, as well as giving your skin and body a boost. 

Read a Book

Read a Book

You may read multiple articles online daily or stay up to date with the news, but actually taking the time to sit down and read a good book can change your whole mood. Reading helps keep the brain active, as well as taking you to another world to escape and enjoy. There are so many incredible books from educational and informative, to fiction and fantasy so you can keep your options open and enjoy a great range of different writing styles. 

Include Exercise


Having exercise added into your daily routine can really, really help keep your mind active and maintain a positive headspace. From daily walks to actual workouts, you can transform your quality of life and general wellbeing by keeping your body moving frequently. If you’re unsure on which workouts will be best for you, you can access hundreds of workout videos and tutorials on YouTube to help you reach your own personal goals. 

Light a Candle

Light a Candle

There are lots of things you can physically do as mentioned above to achieve quality me-time, but even the simplest of things such as lighting a candle can really make a difference. Finding the right candle with the right scent can really create a calm, relaxing feel in your own personal space that will help you to wind down and switch off. Candles are ideal for creating the perfect atmosphere for quality self-care, so it’s definitely worth introducing a few into your home.

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