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How To Correctly Furnish Your Bedroom

What palette to use, how to choose the lighting and what is really worth investing in – we will tell you in detail how to correctly furnish the bedroom and increase the degree of harmony there.

Have you ever wondered that our sleep and well-being depend on how the bedroom is decorated? Or are you sure that by closing your eyes, you can forget about the inconvenience? Here are several ideas on how to approach the design of a room competently and turn disadvantages into advantages.

Light walls are not the best choice for a bedroom

Yes, light walls expand the space and fill it with air. But this isn’t so important for decorating a room in which you spend only evening and night time. However, a large amount of light can negatively affect the quality of sleep. A way out of the situation: choose darker, more saturated shades for wall decoration – they will “absorb” the sun’s rays and create a more intimate atmosphere.

Blackout curtains – the key to a good sleep

There is only light tulle on the window in the bedroom that faces east? Then you probably know firsthand what an early rise with the sun is. Light is the main enemy of melatonin, which is essential for fast falling asleep and sound sleep.

The light from the window, even insignificant – from street lamps, headlights of passing cars, full moon – makes it difficult to get enough sleep. The way out of the situation is to hang thick textile or roller blinds. And you will immediately feel how much easier it is to fall asleep even in summer when the windows are tightly curtained. They come in handy at night too: bright summer nights, neon signs and lanterns will not interfere with your sleep.

Clutter in the bedroom ruins everything

What does your bedroom look like? Alas, too often the bedroom is literally used as a storage room. An ironing board with a pile of unfinished laundry, a suitcase in the corner, books… It would seem, who cares? You sleep with your eyes closed. However, the brain instantly registers the situation and processes information about things that you have not even paid attention to.

A pile of papers on a table or clothes carelessly thrown on a chair will more likely remind you of daytime worries than set you up for relaxation. So, clutter in the bedroom can actually contribute to restless sleep. A tidy bedroom before going to bed is one of the conditions for a good sleep. The way out: before you go to bed, make sure that there is nothing superfluous in the room – it works.

Bed linen is a good investment

Slippery sheets, an uncomfortable pillow, a blanket that is too warm or, conversely, cold, not only does not contribute to sound sleep, but also has a negative effect on health. A way out of the situation: buy the best bedding that you can afford now – the result will not be too long to come. Sheets and blankets made of natural cotton or silk, pleasant to the touch, will create a comfortable microclimate around your body. Plus In summer they will save you from the heat, and in winter they will warm you. Read more about how to properly choose bed linen here.

Different lighting scenarios should be tried

A chandelier in the center of a room isn’t the best light source in a bedroom. Often this general lighting is not enough for reading, but too much for a more intimate and relaxing environment. A way out of the situation: first of all, put on dimmers to adjust the degree of lighting as needed. Also, install lights for your bedside reading table. And make sure that the switch is located near you, and not on the wall opposite the bed – until you reach it, the dream will disappear faster than your favorite bag of chips.

TV in the bedroom – a big absolute NO

The popular belief that TV helps you sleep is a misconception. Yes, it entertains and helps to distract from worries. But at the same time, studies have shown that the bluish spectrum of the glowing screen (this also applies to computers, smartphones and tablets) hinders the production of the main sleep hormone – melatonin. In addition, the flickering and rapid change of pictures has an exciting effect on the brain. As a result, the TV is already turned off, but sleep still does not come. Therefore, the best solution for good sleep is to leave the TV outside the bedroom, for example, in the living room.

Where is your bed?

If you do not sleep well at night, and in the morning you often feel tension in your neck, stiffness in your joints and headaches, assess the position of your bed in the room. Sleep experts say that hypothermia during sleep often leads to these symptoms. In addition to choosing quality furniture, experts do not recommend placing the bed near a window, an outer wall of a building, or between a window and a door. It is better to choose a place for the bed inside the bedroom’s bearing wall and HDS can help you with finding a high-quality item.

Free up space under the bed

The space under the bed has traditionally been used as a long-term storage space in many homes. But this situation prevents air circulation, which is essential for your mattress to be effectively ventilated.

Scientists have measured how much water a person evaporates during sleep – this is about 60 fl oz per night. Since your mattress absorbs this moisture, it needs to drain it away in a timely manner. This is why you need free space at the bottom of the bed, as it helps your mattress remain dry when you sleep. It is especially important to keep order under the bed for people with allergies. In the absence of things in this place, regular cleaning becomes simple and not burdensome. And dust mites simply have nowhere to breed.

Free the window

Create free space in front of a window in your bedroom. This way you can ventilate the room more often by adjusting the bedroom climate. Did you know that sleep experts recommend 50% humidity in the room for healthy sleep and temperatures between 60-65 °F? And letting fresh air into your bedroom in the morning is a great way to wake up quickly.

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