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How to Choose the Right Material for Your Landscaping Project

Any landscaping or gardening project takes time and thought, as it’s important to ensure that every detail is just how you imagined it. If you’re planning to make a change to your outdoor area, choosing the right materials can make all the difference. From patios to driveways, the outdoor space around your home can add to the property’s kerb appeal, as well as making sure it’s a welcoming, attractive space to come home to.

When it comes to choosing the materials for a landscaping project, there are a few options, each with their own benefits and features. Here Brett Landscaping offers some insight on the different materials available.


Concrete is a tough material, hence why it is often used across a wide range of applications for domestic projects. Its durable construction means it can last years, and is one of the more affordable options when planning a landscaping project. In particular, concrete can be an ideal choice for driveways as it can withstand high traffic and use.

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Offering great value over time, concrete is available in different colourways to suit the finished look that you had in mind. In some instances, concrete paving can be designed to create a permeable solution. This can help water to drain away sustainably, and avoid pooling or flooding which may cause an unsightly hazard on your driveway or in your garden area.


Porcelain has become a hugely popular choice of material for landscaping in recent years, thanks to the different finishes available. Porcelain can be created in the style of timber, sandstone, stone, slate or granite for an attractive and modern design. 

Porcelain is most suited for patios, pathways or even internal floor coverings, with a smaller number of ranges available for driveway applications. The use of porcelain for your landscaping project offers benefits including stain, scratch, water and frost resistant, which can mean your outdoor area can withstand all weather, and stand the test of time. 

With a refined and elegant appearance, porcelain paving is also slip resistant. For an added wow factor, you can also buy porcelain walling for a modern and low maintenance design feature for your outdoor space.

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Natural stone

Natural stone is a beautiful choice, and is one of the most versatile solutions on the market. It has a natural formation, so no two pieces will look the same; but this adds to its unique charm and finish, particularly for a domestic outdoor space.

Natural stone is designed with a textured surface to keep is natural aesthetic, adding a great visual element to your garden or patio area. Its natural warmth and appearance will suit any style of garden effortlessly. What’s more, the textured surface can be very helpful in providing slip protection.

You can choose from a number of colours and finishes, helping you to create the outdoor space you’ve always dreamt of.

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