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How to Choose Best Bench Press Bar

The weightlifting bar was created to make it easier for the athlete to manage weight, with a firm and secure grip during training sessions.

The bench press bar consists of two sleeves (metal tubes) at the ends, which rotate independently of the bar. The bar will rotate freely and will depend on where we place our hands. These are the following few points that you must consider before buying any best bench press bar.


The rotation of the main elements, the bar, and the sleeves are independent; therefore, a good bar together with a proper technique in lifting weights will help us prevent injuries to the wrist.

If the bar does not rotate well, all the force generated is transmitted to the wrist, causing discomfort and discomfort that can eventually lead to a sports injury. For rotation of the weightlifting bar to be possible, there will be two types of bearings: the bushing or the needle bearing.

The bushings rotate less; due to their high friction, they do not allow a complete free rotation, and this type of bearing requires more maintenance, and oil must be applied frequently.

The needle bearing or needle bearings have less friction on the bar, which results in a freer turn.

Needle roller bearings are better than bushings and are the recommended rotation system for our weightlifting bar.


The sleeves are the ends of the weightlifting bar on which we put the weights, which rotate independently of the bar. The cuffs play a very important role in the bench press bar.


It is used to determine the resistance that a bar has, the higher the tensile strength or PSI, the greater the resistance, but it will also be more rigid.

When we are training, loading heavy, we do not realize that when we sneak into the bar, it bounces a little, it gives the sensation of bending or whipping, it is the term known in weightlifting as “whip” of the bar.


The diameter or thickness of the bar ranges from 25 mm to 30 mm, if they had a larger diameter, this would affect the “whip” since the bar would become more rigid.

Between these values, the recommended diameter would be the one with which you are comfortable, although the recommendation is that you get used to the officials of the Olympic lifts: 25 mm for women and 28 mm for men.


Knurling is an engraving/carving that you have the bar to improve grip. Depending on the knurling, we will find bars that grip more or less; this already depends on each one; there are people who like to be well glued to the bar, and others like that they turn more in hand.Visit : Best Information Today
These carvings, in some bars, are different and also serve as a reference to mark the different types of grip; among them, the grip marks are observed.


Face capacity is the weight that the bar can support without deforming. Let’s not think of load capacity as the total weight of discs we put in since this concept is somewhat more complex.

If we are doing dead weight with 200 kilos and we drop the bar from above, the force that is supporting that bar is, the 200 kilos plus the weight generated by the fall, so we recommend training with bars with loose load capacity if we are going to work heavy.

I hope you like this article about how to choose the best bench press bar. If you like this article, then also share with those friends who are planning to buy new bars.

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