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How to Check If Your Home’s HVAC System Is Ready for the Summer Season

The spring clock is ticking, and homeowners are rolling up their sleeves to get ready for the long-awaited summers. After exposure to dust, debris, strong winds, and air particles in the cold winter and spring, it’s time to check your Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system to ensure it’s ready for the upcoming summer months.

The hot and humid season needs proper preparation, and you should have your HVAC system in a stable working condition. Go ahead and seek Professional Heating & Cooling services to get your HVAC ready for the summer battles ahead. Here’s how to check if your home’s HVAC system is ready for the summers.

1. Check The Surroundings Of The HVAC Unit

Examine the surrounding environment of your HVAC unit outdoor condensers. Focus on clearing the areas around the unit of any plant growth. Remove fallen leaves and debris that the wind might have carried near the unit during the winter and spring seasons. Clearing the surrounding clears the path of air by removing obstructions and blockages. Cleaning the area surrounding your HVAC unit should be a continuous process. You can allow some space around your unit to prevent debris and other solid matter from flowing into the unit’s internal parts. Such solid matter can cause it to break down.

2. Clean Outdoor Condensers

Even when placed in the best conditions, it’s common for outdoor condensers to suck dust and other solid matter throughout winter and spring. This is because air flows into the condenser’s internal system. Use a hand blower to blow off the dust and debris from the unit. If you spot debris that requires opening the unit, you can open it carefully after disconnecting the power source. Remove the debris carefully after you open the unit. Don’t risk breaking down your air condenser if you are not sure about how to open the unit. You can request technical assistance from https://proheat.org/central-oregon-heating-and-cooling/. They’ll clean your unit the right way.


3. Clean Or Replace The Unit Ducts

The efficacy of your HVAC unit depends on the condition of the air ducts. They are part of the ventilation system that is vital for sustaining heating and cooling. Replace damaged ducts. Damaged ducts with leakages and solid matter in the ventilation system can cause air wastage and obstruct the flow into the system. The inefficiency from porous ducts can increase energy bills because it’ll take more energy to achieve the desired heating or cooling effect in your home. Check the connection between the ducts and unit connectors. Tighten the connectors to prevent wastage of sucked air. If the connectors are worn out, you can buy another pair for replacement.

4. Clean Or Replace The HVAC Filters

You are going to use your air conditioning system most during the summer. Good filters will see you through the times ahead and ensure peace of mind. There will be no interruptions because of impromptu replacements or unplanned cleaning if you take care of the filters.

An HVAC can run on replaceable or permanent filters. If you are using temporary filters, get a new replacement set. Replace it carefully or ask for assistance from technical personnel. You should set aside a budget for replacing temporary filters every month throughout the summer.

If your HVAC runs on permanent filters, assess their condition. Determine whether they need cleaning or replacement. If the filters are worn out, you should get a new set. However, if the filters are in good shape but dirty, then clean them aptly.

Dirty filters cause clogging and the air conditioning unit can freeze. Hindering of free air movement into the air conditioning unit causes ineffective performance. Clean filters allow air to flow seamlessly into the air conditioning unit, effectively cooling the heat inside the house.

5. Get Your Thermostat Working

Take control of your HVAC unit and make it run as you desire. Although you can use a manual thermostat, a programmable thermostat will give you the most efficient service as it can work in your absence. Buy a programmable thermostat from authentic HVAC dealers. Hire an HVAC professional as the summer approaches to install and configure the thermostat. This will help you to avoid common mistakes homeowners make when setting up an HVAC unit.

Get good batteries for your thermostat. Clean off the dust from the thermostat. Place it away from heavy appliances and the path of cold airflow to avoid false temperature readings. Whenever you leave home for an extended period, keep your thermostat on at safe temperatures. Higher levels of heat and humidity can turn your home into a mold and pest breeding zone and can damage your property.


6. Check The Fans

You are paying electricity bills for your air conditioner. Maximize its use by positioning fans in your home appropriately. The location of fans in your home can be the difference between comfort and struggle during the hot summer. Ceiling fans tend to be the best for a couple of reasons.

Set the fans to rotate in a clockwise direction to necessitate downward airflow to protect your home against increase in temperature. Set them to run anticlockwise when it’s cold. During the cold, the upward air movement caused by the ceiling fan (running anticlockwise) increases your home’s heat.

7. Test Your HVAC Unit

It’s best if you are assured that your HVAC system is working well before the warm season starts. Run at least three tests, at different times of the day and on different days.  Look for any malfunction. Don’t presume that your HVAC will work well because it’s new or you have replaced filters and fixed ducts.


An HVAC unit is a complex system that needs professional installation and detailed examination to detect the slightest of the errors. You can also engage an HVAC professional to run the test for you. Although you can detect faults, you might not have the accuracy of a specialist. A professional will run tests for your HVAC with a high-level of professional efficiency.


You must prepare yourself for the summers by checking whether your HVAC system can handle the coming heat and humidity. Check the surrounding of your outdoor HVAC unit and clear it of plant growth, debris, and obstructions to maximize the flow of air into the condenser. Clean the condenser of any foreign particles/materials in its internal parts. Clean or replace worn out filters and ventilation ducts. Get a programmable thermostat to automate HVAC functions. Check the fans and position them appropriately. Finally, test your HVAC unit with the help of a professional to be sure that you are ready to welcome the summer season.

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