Home / Home Improvement / How to Build a Floor to Ceiling Shoe Rack

How to Build a Floor to Ceiling Shoe Rack

This shoe rack is simply a shelf unit laid out with dimensions to accommodate shoes.

Materials Needed

  • 1” X 12” primed shelf boards
  • 1” X 2” primed boards
  • 2-1/2” finish nails
  • Wood Glue

Building Instructions

  1. Determine the size of your shoe rack. Ours will be about 77” tall and wide enough for two pairs of shoes on each level. We measure two average pair and determine our width is 20” and the space between shelves will be 7-1/2”.
  2. Next we begin cutting 1 X 12 primed shelf boards.  We need two at 77” for the sides and about ten at 20” for the shelves.
  3. Layout the shelf locations on the two sides pieces. Mark the location of the top of each shelf but don’t forget to include the thickness of the shelf itself. Our spacing between shelves will be 7-1/2” and the shelf boards are 3/4” thick so we’re marking every 8-1/4”.
  4. Begin attaching the shelves to one side at these marks. Apply wood glue to the end of each board and nail it in from the outside of the side piece. When the first side is complete, repeat the process on the other side piece.

Installation Instructions

  1. Our unit will rest on the baseboard in the closet, so it floats above the floor. After tacking it in place, we add horizontal 1 X 2 cleats beneath every other shelf. These are nailed into the studs in the wall to firmly secure it in place. In this case a longer shelf board rests on top to connect the shoe rack with the rest of the closet system.
  2. After filling the nail holes and caulking the seams the shoe rack is ready to paint.

Watch this video to find out more. 

Further Reading

Danny Lipford: This shoe rack is simply a shelf unit laid out with dimensions to accommodate shoes. Ours needs to be wide enough for two pairs of shoes on each level, so we measure two average pair.

Next we begin cutting 1 X 12 primed shelf boards to that dimension….. in our case, 20 inches. The sides of the rack are made from two longer pieces of 1 X 12, depending on the height you have available.

We start assembly by gluing and nailing a 20 inch piece to the top and bottom of one of the sides. Next we layout the location of each shelf on the edge of a side piece. We found that 7 and a half inches is enough height between shelves for the shoes.

Now each shelf is glued and nailed in place, making sure it aligns with the spacing marks on both edges of the side piece.

Next we turn the assembly on its side and attach the other side piece the same way. This unit will rest on the baseboard in the closet, so it floats above the floor.

After tacking it in place, we add horizontal 1 X 2 cleats beneath every other shelf to firmly secure it in place. In this case a longer shelf board rests on top to connect the shoe rack with the rest of the closet system.

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Backed by his 40-year remodeling career, Danny served as the home improvement expert for CBS’s The Early Show and The Weather Channel for more than a decade. His extensive hands-on experience and understanding of the industry make him the go-to source for all things having to do with the home – from advice on simple repairs, to complete remodels, to helping homeowners prepare their homes for extreme weather and seasons.

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