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How To Antique Shop Online

If you are anything like me I’m sure you are missing the days when we could go out & go antiquing. Once this is all over that’s one of the first things I’ll be doing (after seeing our family of course. Oh, & stopping in at Target). So as much as we would love to go visit antique shops in person, I wanted to share a few ways you could shop for antiques from your own home! Since we can’t shop for antiques in person… let’s go antiquing together from our cozy homes..


Ebay is a great place to shop for antiques. I’ve used eBay for years to shop for antiques especially when I am searching for a specific item. If you are looking to just browse through the antiques available on eBay and not a particular item you can do that as well though!


Etsy is one of my favorite places to find unique antique items. Whether you just want to browse through antiques or are searching for something, in particular, I highly recommend checking out Etsy. Anytime I share an antique with you guys & someone asks where to find something similar I always recommend checking on Etsy. There are so many good finds here!

Facebook Marketplace

Facebook marketplace is a great place to find antiques for sale in your area. I’ve discovered that you can often find items for a really great price because they may not know the value of the item & just want to sell it. Another bonus to Facebook Marketplace is that you can arrange a pickup & pay with cash if you prefer!

Small shops selling online or Instagram

Many small antique shops and boutiques sell online or Instagram. Especially in times like we are in now, many have quickly switched over to selling online to keep their business going. Check to see if any of your favorite local shops are selling online & support them this way!

Here are some of my favorite Instagram & online shops to antique:

I will keep updating this list above as I find more.. So pin and save this post for later to refer back to! xx

I hope this helps you find ways to continue to antique shop during these strange times! I know I am itching for the day I can go into an antique store, visit a market, and shop in person … But I love that there are still ways we can antique shop online! Let me know in the comments if there are any other ways you antique shop online, it’d be so helpful for myself & those reading. Thank you for stopping by the blog today and every day.

xx liz marie

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