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How 3D Virtual Tours Can Help Sell Property

Technology has transformed many industries throughout the last decade or so. Perhaps none more than the real estate industry. The ability to host 3D virtual tours has completely changed the way real estate professionals can showcase and market properties. The fact is, more and more prospective buyers are looking online to find properties they may be interested in.

This is especially true when it comes to the new generation of prospective homeowners. By utilising all of the tools and technology that is available to your advantage, you should be able to enhance your ability to sell to this growing segment of the market. 45% of Gen Z and 41% of millennial buyers find a virtual tour or a recorded video to help decide on buying a home [1]. In this article, we will be going over some of the different ways 3D virtual tours can enhance your ability to sell prospective real estate.


How 3D Virtual Tours Can Help:

1. Maximise Exposure

One of the main benefits of being able to host virtual tours by 3d Walkabout is the ability to maximise exposure. As an agent, you want to be able to market to as many prospective buyers as possible. By sticking to physical showings, you are limiting your exposure. After all, you only have so much time each day.

With virtual tours, you will be able to showcase the property you are marketing to multiple prospective buyers at once no matter where they are located. Meaning, you will be able to show the property to more people without geographical limitations. Best of all, the virtual showing will provide the same type of experience they would get from physically visiting the location themselves.

2. Highlight Best Features

With a virtual tour, you will be able to highlight some of the best features of the house. You cannot do the same with photographs. After all, the photographs might not showcase the house’s natural lighting or the homes unique amenities. By getting prospective buyers to go through a virtual tour, they will be able to see what makes the property appealing and it can increase the chances they maintain their interest in the property because of it.


3. Reduce Physical Showings

As someone looking to sell real estate, you want to be certain that you are utilising your time wisely. After all, “time is money.” Because of this, you should be looking to maximise your efficiency as much as possible. One of the best ways to do this is by providing an option for a prospective buyer to engage in a virtual tour. By allowing them to engage in a 3D tour, you will be able to show the property without having to physically be present. This means you will be able to cut out a lot of the prospective buyers who aren’t really at the point where they are a warm lead. This alone can help to save a lot of time that you would otherwise waste on people not interested in closing a deal.

As you can tell, there are a lot of reasons you would want to begin investing in this type of technology if you are selling property. Around 1/3 of prospective buyers say virtual tours and/or videos are important to their buying decision [1]. Because this number is only expected to increase shortly, now is the time to get started with it. As a real estate professional, you risk falling behind the curve if you wait on it. Virtual 3D tours are here to stay. It’s time to begin leveraging them to showcase and sell your properties.


[1] https://www.zillow.com/report/2018/buyers/home-search-activities-and-resources/

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