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Home Staging 101: How to Attract Buyers to Your Home

Home staging featuring a kitchen tray with wine glasses
Staging your home helps homebuyers see what their lifestyle would be like in your house.

Planning to list your home for sale? Consider the benefits of home staging — furnishing the house so it looks its best and attracts potential homebuyers — before contacting a real estate agent.  

When people want to purchase a home, they’re looking for more than a place to sleep. They’re looking for a place to raise families and pursue their dreams. It’s much easier for a homebuyer to imagine their lifestyle in your home if it’s furnished and looks comfortable.

Think about it. Potential homebuyers could tour your home, eye empty room after empty room, and try to picture themselves living in it.

Now, it’s definitely possible to sell a home that way — many people do. But consider how home staging could enhance the homebuying experience. Moreover, consider how much easier it would be for the potential homebuyer if they could tour your furnished home.

For instance, they could imagine curling up on the couch with a book and covering themselves with a throw blanket on cold nights; reading recipes off a tablet while cooking gourmet meals; and enjoying breakfast in bed while watching the news.

Furnishing your home’s interior and exterior allows potential homebuyers to not just imagine what life might be like in the house, but actually see how life is like in this house, thanks to strategic home staging.

Of course, home improvements and home staging go hand in hand, so you’ll want to power wash the walkways, trim the hedges and mow the lawn before listing the property. You’ll want to declutter each room, paint the walls neutral colors and replace the cabinet knobs with something sleek and modern.  

Check out this infographic for quick home staging tips that can help move your home from ‘listed’ to ‘sold.’

Home staging guide, an infographic
Home staging guide, an infographic
Home staging guide, an infographic

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