Home / Decoration / Home Improvements You Can Make that Will Help You Sell Your House Quicker

Home Improvements You Can Make that Will Help You Sell Your House Quicker

If you’re looking to sell your home quickly, it’s possible that you’re looking to make improvements on it first. I can tell you from first-hand experience that a lot of times, if you want to make more money when you list your home, you’ll also want to update certain things around your house. Those things that have bothered you in your home that you overlook day after day may not be something that a potential home buyer will let go. And don’t worry – you don’t have to spend a bundle to make a little bit extra when you’re selling your house. So – from our family to yours – here are a few tips and tricks we picked up along the way in our home improvement and selling experience.

Kitchen Improvements

The kitchen is probably one of the spaces where you and your family spend the most time, and likely where the new owners of your home will spend most of their time too! It’s actually also super easy to do quick, non-expensive updates that will really make the space look updated and absolutely pop.

For projects that are a little bit on the lower end of the price scale, you’ve got a handful of different things you can take on that won’t take up too much of your time or too much of your budget. For example, we updated and changed our light bulbs and light fixtures. Putting in things like LED lightbulbs can really brighten up the room. Adding under-cabinet lighting can also brighten up a room even further, and is a little detail/bonus addition that a lot of buyers would appreciate.
Kitchen Improvements

Other examples include things like painting your kitchen cabinets a lighter color, which will make the room look bigger. We even put in some sticky wallpaper on the bottom/shelves of our cabinets, so there’s a fun little surprise pop when you need to get a plate or a cup. We also updated our hardware – the cabinet, the drawer handles, the faucet, and the taps – so everything matches and flows together. Solid wood cabinets look fantastic on most kitchens.

If you want to spend a little bit more money, you can consider replacing your cabinets or countertops with more expensive, higher end products. For a wide variety of surface colors and different materials visit Ceasarstone, Cambria, and Vadara. Completely replacing them can cost anywhere from $ 1,000 to $ 10,000, but usually average around $ 5,000 for installation. The more customized the cabinets are, the more money they cost.

Additionally, you can look to upgrading your countertops. These days, granite or marble countertops are the popular choices in new homes. Luckily, there are other options that look similar and won’t break your wallet. You can consider things like slate, laminate, or even concrete, which you can paint to look similar to granite or marble.


Getting your yard in good condition is a really easy, really quick way to sell your house faster. Landscaping usually doesn’t cost you too much either, especially if you do it yourself. For something simpler and cheaper, you can consider just mowing your lawn, and making sure all the bushes or flowers are trimmed and looking good. We planted a few perennials – peonies and lilies – in front of our house, so that the new owners would have something beautiful to look at for years to come.

Another thing you could consider to sell your house super quickly is installing something fun in your backyard, like a pool or a pond. Depending on your choice – inground or above-ground – can vary anywhere from $ 5,000 to $ 60,000. But adding a pool can increase the value of your home significantly. Adding a pond can increase the value of your home as well, and only cost between $ 500 to $ 2,000. The best thing to do so talk to your family, look at your budget, talk to your realtor, and figure out what works best for you!

Plumbing or Electrical Work

Some houses – especially the older ones – can have finicky or wonky electrical or plumbing systems. For us, it was our guest bathroom on the second floor. It flushed, but it would run extra water when it didn’t need to, so we tried not to use it a lot. Because we had two other bathrooms in the house that were functional, we never really paid it much mind. But we knew when we sold our house that we needed to get that bathroom fixed.

So take a critical look at different parts of your house. Are there lights in the dining room that flicker when you turn them on or when they stay on for too long? Is there a sink that drips after you use it for hours? It’s important that you fix these things before you show your house. Drain cleaning is one thing you should perform at least every year in your house. When it comes to electricity and plumbing, hire an expert to get in and get these things fixed. Making sure your plumbing and electrical are up to par and functioning correctly is essential to selling your house!

Furniture or Design

For us, we had lived in our house for years. Our furniture was well worn and well-loved, and our decorations were family pictures and drawings our kids had done. When we started trying to sell our house, however, these things weren’t exactly appreciated. When it comes to selling a house, potential home buyers want to be able to picture themselves making a new life there, and not focus on the lives that have already been built in the home.
Furniture or Design
We’re not saying don’t show that your home hasn’t been lived in – that’s important! But just make it easier for potential home buyers to picture themselves building a home and a life there. This could mean painting the walls to cover up some dents where you ran into the wall or where your kid threw their toy; store those family photos for when potential buyers come to look at the house; consider updating or reupholstering your couches to cover up those nail polish stains.

Selling your house may not be the easiest thing to do, but there are certain updates you can make that will make it simpler and faster. And don’t feel like you need to break the bank to do it either! By doing these quick and easy projects, you’ll get your home off the market, and will be well on your way to enjoying your new space!

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