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H&M New Summer Basics

Jose and I have a new nightly ritual that I’m not sure is healthy, but it’s summer and we have been enjoying it. After we put Cope down to bed we grab some sort of ice cream, meet each other out on the patio, & either chat or sit on our phones for an hour. We don’t get many chances to sit these days with our little dude running around so that little bit of rest when we put him down is such a reward. I usually post to instagram in this time and today I had a few extra minutes to browse some of my favorite shops. I hadn’t checked out H&M in a while & I found some great new basics on their website & wanted to share them with you today. H&M is a great place to find affordable home basics from towels, to rugs, to pillow covers, to laundry baskets, to bedding, & so much more. I highly recommend shopping there as I have for years now & I’ve always been very impressed with everything that I have bought. Here are some of my favorite current basics that they have & you can click the images below to shop them…

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