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Goodbye 2020 – Hello 2021

New Year’s Eve, pandemic or not is always low key for me. A festive dinner at home spent with Ed’s best friend, Joe who is staying with us is what I will be doing.

New Years Eve Cocktail Stirrers to make

I prefer comfy cozy at home clinking champagne glasses at midnight, nothing fancy… jeans and a sweater kind of night. 🙂 Ed and Joe will be watching football, I will probably read or watch a movie as we wait for midnight.

Now that the holidays are over and I have taken my annual end of the year time off, I am excited to get back into my blogging groove. I have lots of new projects planned that I can’t wait to share with you as we leave the year 2020 behind.

Cheers to moving in a positive direction into 2021. I hope it is a good one for all of us.

I will be back next week with my first post of 2021

My best – Diane

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In My Own Style


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