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Gathered Floral Centerpiece

In all seasons I love creating floral centerpieces for our table using branches from our yard [or in this case someone else’s yard]. I like our floral centerpieces to make a huge statement which is exactly what we did with these floral branches here! The best part about this centerpiece? It was created using gathered branches & items I already owned! A free centerpiece? YES PLEASE! Here are a few looks I created with my free branches I collected today…

Gathering branches and florals from your yard is a great way to create a really beautiful centerpiece for no cost. Today I went out onto our farm and got these branches from a tree our neighbor was trimming. But I used to this even before we had our farm & would find branches from our yard! Head out into your yard & see what you can find to use in your centerpiece. I gathered enough stems to make a few different centerpieces to show you guys!

To create the remainder of the centerpiece you want to use what you already have. I have a bunch of buckets & picked one of my olive buckets & an antique pail for these centerpieces. I put a bowl of water in the bottom of the bucket to help keep the branches fresh for longer and poured water directly into the antique pail. Personally, I wanted the really messy undone look with my centerpiece so I just placed the branches into the buckets. However, if you want a more put-together look put your branches into a large vase & then place the vase into your bucket. This will keep the branches more together & upright instead of spreading around the whole bucket!

Antique Olive Bucket

For this floral branch centerpiece, I used my olive bucket filled with stems on the dining room table. I also added a tea towel with vintage floral, a stack of plates, glass bottles, a market basket filled with florals, and the matching floral pillow on the chair. You can find the tea towel & pillow from my new line with PCB Home! Many of these items are things I’m sure you have in your home & can easily be used to recreate this centerpiece.

Antique Pail

My second centerpiece is on an island in our kitchen I loaded branches into an antique pail I had already. I filled the pail with water and then let the branches fall wherever they wanted within the bucket! Then I added the kitchen tea towel from my line with PCB Home & two antique mortar and pestles to the centerpiece. For a little bit of texture, I also added this chippy white stool next to the island!


For a huge statement use a large vessel like this antique galvanized trash can and fill that with extra large branches clipped from the yard! This was something really different that I decided to do & I love the way it turned out. Its a super easy way to display the floral branches all throughout your home.

I love bringing the outdoors in & it’s such a great way to bring something happy into your home. This just reminds me that warmer weather is around the corner & soon we will have even more branches & stems to pick from for our centerpieces! If you don’t have access to branches & stems in your yard, I shared all of the best faux branches & stems on the blog here. I hope this helps you create a gorgeous floral centerpiece. Thank you so much for stopping by the blog today and every day!

xx liz marie

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