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Garage Organization Systems You Can Make on a Budget

Sabrina Gordon's organized garage, featuring a paint can shelving system and Ryobi drill organization systems
The garage is one of the most disorganized places in any home. But a simple wood shelving system can change that. (Courtesy of Sabrina Gordon)

The garage is one of the most disorganized areas in people’s homes. And that was true for Sabrina Gordon, before she dreamed up some DIY garage organization systems.

Ring video footage of Sabrina Gordon's garage, before the makeover that included new garage organization systems
Sabrina and Bill Gordon’s garage was disorganized and difficult to work in before they took action. (Courtesy of Sabrina Gordon)

Two’s a Crowd

It all started with her husband, Bill’s, purchase of a computer numerical control machine. It cuts wood with a router that receives software commands — like a 3D printer for wood — and it just added to the garage activity.

The Jupiter, Florida couple, both avid do-it-yourselfers, create custom wood pieces and stay busy.

“After he received the CNC machine, we were both busy with doing orders … and the garage became a war zone,” Sabrina said. “We were constantly in each other’s way, tripping over tools, wood, each other.”

Ring video footage of Sabrina and Bill Gordon's garage after the makeover with new garage organization systems
Sabrina and Bill’s Ring video camera captured every step of their garage organization project. (Courtesy of Sabrina Gordon)

Making the Dream Come True

Sabrina knew there was a better way to make the situation work for Bill and her. And, during one sleepless night, she sketched up a rough idea of several garage organization systems.  

She and Bill discussed the plan, which called for more vertical storage. “We did have the typical wire shelving that adjusts with those little round clips, but it seemed like a waste,” she said.

The solution, they realized, was to do what they’ve done since 2010: create wood solutions that work for their home and its unique needs. That would require minimal investment — about $ 350 — because they had a lot of wood on hand.

“The only materials we bought to do this much of a transformation [were] 10 2-by-4s (for the wood cart and floating shelves) and Knape & Vogt metal track shelving from Home Depot,” Sabrina said. “All of the other pieces of wood and materials were items we had on hand and [were] able to reuse.”

The couple knew that the Knape & Vogt metal track was one of the plan’s crucial garage organization systems. It can hold heavier items, which made it the destination for extra roof shingles, additional paints and stains, a wet tile saw, reciprocating saw, nail guns and miscellaneous items.

The rest was all Sabrina and Bill’s DIY project.  

Paint cans stored on wood shelving in Sabrina and Bill Gordon's garage
Sabrina and Bill wanted to store similar items together, like these paint cans. (Courtesy of Sabrina Gordon)

A Place for Everything

“There [were] several different pieces that were built to help store ‘like items,’” Sabrina said. “There are two different spray-paint holders mounted to the wall. One section has all primers and colors and another section only has the finishing spray paints/varnishes.”

In addition, near the garage door is storage for WD-40, Bondo, garage door grease and flashlights.

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