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Flow of Home Tour: Second Floor

Time to pick up where I left off after posting the video tour of the first floor of my house last week.

I tried to get this second part of the video tour completed and posted earlier this week. I doubt I have to make any excuses on why that didn’t happen, after living through the most earth shattering week I have ever experienced in my 60 years. Hoping it does not get any worse.

A tour of the second floor of In My Own Style's house.

After making sure Ed and I were set for spending a few weeks at home, I focused on getting the video made.

Sooooo… as promised, here is Part 2 of the video tour, where I take you to see the second floor of my home.

It is a long video that I was going to edit down to make shorter. Then I remembered how much so many of you liked the first one and wanted me to show more.

I also figured that the length may be a good thing as it may be a welcomed diversion right around now. 🙂

Below the video are links to the posts I wrote about each room if you would like to see how they looked before and the details and/or tutorials of what I did to each room.

If you have any questions about anything, just leave them for me in the comment section of the post.

Home Flow Tour: Second Floor

If you missed the first video of the first floor of my house, you can find the post here:

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask in the comment section of this post.

Hoping you have a happy, safe, and healthy weekend. Sending positive vibes your way. XO

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In My Own Style


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