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Finding Toronto Accommodations Amid COVID-19: A Guide for Military Officials

The coronavirus pandemic and its associated quarantine have become the bane of working professionals everywhere. Not only have non-essential businesses closed down, but even current workers are finding it difficult to avoid the risk of contamination.

While most employees will be working from home for the next few months, essential services like government and military officials, select retail workers, emergency services, doctors, medical equipment manufacturers, supply chain managers, and news reporters must still be out in the field to do their work, regardless of the quarantine.

In such a populated area of the country, what can you do to keep yourself safe in Toronto? Let’s talk about minimizing the risk of infection and virus spread while searching for accommodations in downtown Toronto.

Why Would Military Officials Be in Toronto?

Being one of Canada’s largest cities, Toronto is home to much military activity that’s both domestic and international in nature. There are many domestic and international Army and Airforce personnel visiting the city of Toronto around this time for security and training purposes.

COVID-19 also poses serious domestic security risks that may require a military response should the federal government pursue an emergency relief plan.

Another specific reason why a U.S. personnel member may be here in the city is the GTA’s community of flight simulation businesses. In fact, the military commonly uses Toronto for its advanced training simulations.

COVID-19 and Its Impact on Toronto


Is your next deployment requiring you to live near downtown Toronto? Are you scheduled to stay in Toronto for essential meetings in response to COVID-19? If so, it’s worth knowing the details about the virus and its impact on the city.

The coronavirus contracts from person to person through physical contact, touching unclean surfaces, and inhaling respiratory droplets through the lungs, nose, and mouth.

Sanitation should be your top priority for avoiding infection. Thorough hand washing is a given, though it’s wise to wear an N95 mask to minimize the spread of the virus. You also want to use EPA-approved products for cleaning out your living space, particularly common areas of touch like doorknobs and computer keyboards.

How COVID-19 Impacts Your Choice of Accommodations in Toronto

The majority of hotels aren’t operating at maximum capacity right now, and staying at home may increase your risks of contracting COVID-19. Especially in heavily-populated cities, dozens of tenants enter and exit hotels each day. The resulting high traffic puts you at risk of contracting via close contact.

Another major issue with hotels is the lack of a unified cleaning standard. With such high turnover rates, you cannot predict if a room was sanitized properly after each visit. This can greatly increase your exposure risks.

Airbnb listings aren’t much better either. They typically do not have enforced cleaning protocol and also put you in close contact with other potential carriers of the disease. Homeowners often use their homes when they’re not rented, which puts you in close proximity to their personal possessions and any contaminants found in the space.

What we do recommend, though, is renting a property from Toronto Luxury Suites. The service takes extra precautions in the midst of the outbreak to emphasize deep cleaning procedures, which include an ozone treatment designed specifically for COVID-19.


Other reasons to choose Toronto Luxury Suites include:

  • Enforced social distancing. Thanks to low turnover rates, no communal spaces, and no personal possessions of others in your room, the chances of contracting coronavirus from physical contact are immensely lower.
  • Convenient access to essential services. Not only are kitchens and Internet service available, but you are also within walking distance of grocery stores, pharmaceutical shops, and other essentials. There’s no need to risk yourself on Uber or TTC rides.
  • Proximity to military institutions. Properties in downtown are close to both the provincial government of Ontario and various military bases.
  • Hospital-grade cleanliness. We’ve doubled our focus on disinfecting the properties now that COVID-19 continues to spread.
  • Emergency contacts. Toronto Luxury Suites offers a 24/7 emergency hotline for a quick response.
  • Flexible rental periods. Toronto Luxury Suites offers flexible rental contracts that allow you to stay for short or long-term periods. You can easily adjust the duration of your stay at any time.

You don’t want a virus infection hurting your ability to do your work as a member of the military, nor do you want to put your teammates and other citizens at risk. Take extra precautions when choosing your living quarters the next time you travel to downtown Toronto.

If you’re interested in renting a Toronto Luxury Suites unit, get in touch with their team by calling (416) 901-3391.

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