Home / Interior Design / Faux Blooming Branches You Can Make

Faux Blooming Branches You Can Make

Faux blooming branches in large planter behind a sofa

Do you like the look of a vase on a table in your home filled with tall forced flowering branches? Don’t have any to bring in from your yard? Then make your own with this easy faux blooming branches DIY. These pretty branches can be made in less than an hour and will look like the real thing with only one difference… no watering needed.

Close up of ceramic planer filled with black river rocks and DIY artificial forced branches.

When I decorate my living room console table, I need to go big, so that whatever I place on it looks in harmony with the oversize Roman numeral clock I made that is hanging on the wall.

Large Roman numeral wall clock on wall with a ceramic planter filled with faux forced branches with purple flowers.

Small items end up looking like clutter.

So when deciding how to GO BIG for spring, I decided to make my own faux flowering branches using branches from a tree in my yard and artificial flower petals that I had in my decor stash.

Faux blooming branches in large planter behind a sofa

It didn’t cost me a thing to create as I had everything I needed.

I like how the color purple looks in this room against the wood paneled walls and the white sofa. It is my White and Woodsy Spring Edition.

Looking across a console table decorated for spring with faux forced flowering branches.

Instead of using moss as the filler for the planter, I used black river rocks. They give the flowering branches a modern vibe. I have white river rocks also, but I will save them for summer.

Faux blooming branches in large planter behind a sofa

How to Make Faux Blooming Branches

supplies needed:

  • Branches from trees/shrubs in your yard or from the craft store’s floral department
  • Faux flowers – 2 – 3 heads I used purple hydrangeas
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks
  • Scissors
  • River Rocks – optional

Time needed: 50 minutes.

How to make faux forced flowering branches to decorate your home for spring or any season using any faux flower.

  1. Find Branches

    In your yard, look for tall branches from trees or shrubs that have a nice shape or line to them. Use snipping pruners to cut one or more to fill a vase or planter.

  2. Add Styrofoam to Vase

    Stuff vase with pieces of Styrofoam saved from packaging or from the craft store. Fill the rest with bunched up plastic grocery style bags.

    Cut the branch to the height desired and push ends into the Styrofoam to secure them in vase.

    Styrofoam stuffed in planter to hold branches in place.

  3. Fill Top of Vase

    Instead of using moss, use river rocks to cover the Styrofoam.

    Black river rocks used instead of moss in a ceramic planter filled with Faux blooming branches.

  4. Remove Petals From Faux Flowers

    Depending on how they are made, use a pair of scissors to snip the flowers from a faux flower head or simply pull them off. When cutting them off, make sure to take a little bit of the back stem on each petal. Doing this will keep each bloom together.

    Faux flower petals snipped from the head of faux flower head.

  5. Add Hot Glue

    Place the petals face down on work surface and place a dot or two of hot glue on the back side of a flower petal.

    Adding hot glue to the back of snipped purple flower blooms from a fake flower stem.

  6. Attach to Branches

    Press the flower petal on a branch. Repeat this process until you fill the branches with blooms to get the look you want.

    You can place two or more blooms together to create size variations along the branches.

    Make sure to space the various colors evenly around the branches to create color balance.

    Looking across a console table decorated for spring with faux forced flowering branches.

  7. All Done

    The nice thing about making your own faux forced blooming branches is that they won’t wilt or need a green thumb to keep them alive. 🙂

Do you have any old or unused faux flower stems in your decorating stash that can be taken apart and used to make forced branches or in a creative decorative way?

Faux blooming branches in large planter behind a sofa

More Faux Flower Decorating Ideas:

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