Home / Decoration / Easy Home Renovation – Use DIY Peel and Stick Decorative Trim

Easy Home Renovation – Use DIY Peel and Stick Decorative Trim

DIY home renovation ideas tend to create a lot of mess. Even after watching countless of tutorials on YouTube, some people are unable to execute the job properly. Moreover, when their DIY renovation job fails, all they can think about is how they could have saved money if only they had hired a professional.

Are you in the same boat? If yes, then keep on reading because we are about to tell you about this neat and easy home renovation trick that requires just one thing.

Before our big reveal, we would like to tell you a story.

Denise and Stephen bought a brand new house that had been untouched by any renovations. Wanting to add a personal touch to the décor, they decided to opt for DIY ideas. First up, they decided to paint the lounge and dining area. Then they decided to wallpaper their bedroom and finally, add some beautiful backsplashes in the bathroom. All the jobs were pretty easy and as the couple had painted their previous house themselves, they decided to do the same this time to save money. It took them 2 weeks to complete the three jobs but the end result wasn’t pretty. Stephen had picked a light blue color for the lounge, whereas Denise had picked a grass green color for the living room. Firstly, since the former room opened into the living room, the walls were connected and the edges had sloppy paint work.

Secondly, while Stephen had done a great job with the backsplash in the bathroom, it didn’t look neat. The couple was now stuck and had no idea what to do.

So what would we recommend in a situation like this?

A caulk tape! For instance, a peel and stick trim will solve Stephen and Denise’s dilemma.

The Beauty of a Peel and Stick Decorative Trim

The Beauty of a Peel and Stick Decorative Trim

Peel and stick caulk is unique because:

It Is Flexible

If your living room’s architectural design is not made up of four walls, then chances are that you will have a hard time attaching moldings to it. The curve in the walls makes it difficult for the mold to stay put because it cannot conform to the design. This is where a peel and stick trim comes in. This type of trim is quite flexible and easily follows every curve and bend of the wall. It also hides any sloppy paint work.

For example, your paint brush might have touched the edges of the ceiling a couple of times and now there are small blue streaks up there, which are clearly visible. Instead of touching up your ceiling with white paint, you can stick the trim along the line and create a neat look.

No Tools Are Required

All you need to do to apply this trim is peel of the protective covering and then stick the trim wherever you want.

There Is No Waste

You don’t need to go through the hassle of measuring the height and width of your walls and ceilings before applying the trim. Apply straight from the roll and when you reach the end of the line, simply cut the trim using a scissor.

It Is a High Quality Adhesive

Homeowners are often worried about energy costs when the weather changes. This also wreaks havoc on doors and window openings. A caulk tape is a high quality adhesive. One of the best things about this peel and stick trim is that it contracts and expands with the weather.
It Is a High Quality Adhesive
In the summer season, when there’s too much moisture, trims tend to expand and make windows and doors too tight in their frames, whereas in winter, the opposite happens. By using a peel and stick trim, you are able to prevent this from happening in any season. Moreover, this prevents the doors and windows from sticking in their frames.

It Guarantees Protection Against Mold and Mildew

Mold and mildew is a result of rainwater seeping into your walls or any kind of moisture. If you look closely, you will spot green and black stains on the bottom corner of your walls. A peel and stick trim molding prevents this from happening by protecting the walls from external moisture. If you have mold on your walls, you first need to clean it before applying the trim.

Here’s how to clean mold from your walls:

Step #1

Create a mixture by mixing ½-cup bleach or mold cleaner to 1 qt. water. You can either pour the solution in a large bowl or a spray bottle.

Step #2

Dip a sponge in this solution and clean the moldy areas or spray the wall until it gets wet.

Step #3

Once a wet stain forms on the wall, use a soft bristle brush and scrub the mold off.

Step #4

Repeat these steps until the stains have disappeared and then allow the wall to dry overnight.

Step #5

Repaint the mold-free area of the wall and apply the peel and stick trim molding.
It Guarantees Protection Against Mold and Mildew
Note: Mold spreads quite fast, so wear protective gear while cleaning it off the walls. Don’t forget to wear gloves, as direct contact with bleach can harm your skin. Turn off air conditioning and fans to stop the pores from spreading. After cleaning, make sure to wash your clothes in hot water. This will kill any mold residue and prevent its transfer.

Since these trims are available in numerous colors and decorative designs, you can match them with your wall’s color and add a unique touch to the rooms. The trim requires no tools so if you do mess up your DIY paint job, you can rely on this peel and stick trim to finish the job neatly.

Author Bio

Greg Amundson is the founder and creator of InstaTrim & have been working in the home construction industry for 30+ years and have always had a passion to make DIYers’ life easier by developing products like white peel and stick trim molding, black caulk tape, grey PVC corner trim, etc.

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