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Easy freezer strawberry jam recipe


It’s strawberry season! A friend recently shared her strawberry freezer jam recipe (and how unbelievably easy it was), and I knew I had to try it!

We picked strawberries on a gorgeous day here in the Midwest:
strawberry fields Indiana

It was a big-fat-white-clouds-in-a-perfectly-blue-sky kind of day – lovely!!

We put the kids to work picking the berries:
u pick strawberries Indiana

And took home a ton to start the jam recipe. Making this jam is SO incredibly easy!

I got extra just in case, and ended up with about five pounds of berries (but did not need all of it):
Homemade strawberry jam recipe

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After rinsing and cutting off the stems, I used a potato masher to smash up the berries to two cups (smashed):

strawberry jam recipe
I didn’t even chop up the strawberries first. I had to start with about 2.5 cups (maybe a little more) of berries to get the two cups smashed.

Then, add to the mashed berries FOUR cups of sugar:
Strawberry freezer jam recipe

Yes, that is only two. Add FOUR. I had to force myself to pour it all in. But I hear it’s totally worth it in the end so just close your eyes and POUR. 🙂

Mix it all together, and keep mixing for about ten minutes:
how to make strawberry freezer jam

Take a package of Sure Jell and mix it with 3/4 cup of water on the stove:

Sure Jell for jam
how to make easy strawberry freezer jam  

After it starts boiling, let it boil for one minute. Keep stirring!:
simple strawberry jam recipe

Take the mixture off the stove, add it to your berries and sugar mixture, and stir for about three minutes.

Then take your cute little jelly jars:
small jelly jars for freezer jam

And fill them up, about a half inch from the top of the can:

 strawberry freezer jam 

Let them sit at room temperature for 24 hours, then you can freeze them.

I plan to bring them to cook outs and Fourth of July parties throughout the summer as gifts to the hostess – maybe with some yummy bread on the side.

Have you tried homemade strawberry jam? I had no idea it was so easy!

Here’s an image you can pin for later:

super simple strawberry freezer jam recipe
And if you like strawberries you’ll LOVE this strawberry pretzel dessert!: 
Delicious strawberry pretzel dessert

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