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Don’t Wait

I talk about this subject a lot in my book, Cozy White Cottage. The subject of “Don’t Wait” is really important to me. That phrase can mean many different things to many different people at many different seasons of life. Right now, & in my book, don’t wait to me means… don’t wait to make your homes cozy & a place that you love. I firmly believe that we shouldn’t wait for budgets, time, or any other obstacle to make our homes a cozy haven for our family. Of course there are obstacles that we can’t simply avoid, but let me clarify what I’m talking about. Jose and I live in an 1800’s farmhouse that probably won’t be “done” for another 50 years. We are slowly chipping away at this home one project at a time when budget and time allow. Even though our home is not finished & it won’t be for so long I still want our home to be cozy and pretty in the “in-between” for our family & that is where the “don’t wait” comes in to play. For example, For a while we lived on subfloor & while we waited for time and money to put flooring in, I placed rugs down in our living spaces & painted certain areas of the floor so that it looked pretty in the in-between and it was cozy for our family while we waited for the floors to be finished. The longing for new floors, the impatience, & the waiting weren’t even there anymore. We were content with our painted subfloor because we made it cozy and we didn’t wait for it to be the perfect outcome we had planned & made it cozy for our family and it made living in a fixer-upper so much easier for our family.

Another example of “not waiting” was this spot in our front living room around our fireplace. You see, we have big plans for it. Soon there will be windows on either side of the fireplace. The windows just came in a week ago after years of not wanting to spend the money on the project just yet. We also plan on getting a new fireplace here as well, but in the mean time it’s hard to find the time and the money to do it all. So what did I do? I made temporary affordable changes to make this space something that was cozy and that we love.

I bought a roll of wallpaper to cover up where the new windows are going to go. It was super easy to apply and pretty affordable since I only needed one roll. I also bought an antique fireplace mantle to put over the fireplace for a temporary fix. For some “art” and “function” for this space I placed these window and wall sconces that I had lying around. Underneath I grabbed two dressers that I had at our shop that when the windows go in I will most likely bring back if I don’t need them. It’s not our final look, but I wanted to make it cozy in the “in-between” & it truly worked! Jose walked in the room and audibly gasped and said “babe this is so nice… I want to hang out up here all the time now.” mission accomplished. That was my goal. I wanted to make it a space that we wanted to be in even though it wasn’t the “final look.

I shared it on Instagram, but we have something big happening here this week & so I did need the house looking decent even though it’s not “done” so I ended up taking this wallpaper down for the exciting thing this week [I’ll share it when I can]. The wallpaper had to come down soon anyways to put the windows in, so I took it down now to give it a fresh light and bright look for our thing this week. BUT before I took it down you know I had to document it to share with you guys.

Stay tuned to my Instagram this week to see the new fresh bright white look with the wallpaper down, but I hope this post inspires you to make your spaces cozy in the “in-between”. I hope it inspired you to not wait until you have the right budget or the time to make it a space you love. Try using things you already have and using little pockets of time to make your home a cozy haven for your family. I also hope the wallpaper design & the rest of the space inspires you in some way. THANK YOU for stopping by the blog today and every single day to see what we are up to.. it means the world! Be sure to pin this post for future inspiration & as always share with your family and friends who need some cozy inspiration. xx Liz Marie

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