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DIY Knobby Canisters

It’s time for another fun DIY! I got these canisters from Hobby Lobby that everyone fell in love with & I am right there with you guys, they are so cute. But I was really bummed that they weren’t available online, so not everyone who wanted them could get their hands on them. So I decided to DIY them!! This was a super easy DIY to get the same look.

Here are the supplies you need! – hot glue gun, half beads, a glass canister, white spray paint

The Inspo:

DIY Steps

  1. Get a canister of your choice! I grabbed a glass one.
  2. Use a paintbrush to space out the top row of beads. When I do this DIY again, I would do more exact measurements & done more precise spacing because it’s very noticeable.
  3. Hot glue each of the beads to the glass jar. Be careful to be clean with the glue because it shows after you paint the jar.
  4. After gluing the first row of beads I eyeballed from there. I liked that it didn’t need to look exact or perfect … but you could definitely measure out if you want an exact pattern.
  5. Let the glue dry and then spray paint the whole canister with your favorite white spray paint (or any color of your choice).
  6. We spray painted the canister 5 times before it got the look we wanted.

When we were making the knobby canisters we made a few mistakes and wanted to share with you so you can avoid this! We tried a few different types of glue and discovered that hot glue was the best option for these. One thing to watch out for is strings from the hot glue, try your best to get all of them off otherwise when you spray paint the canister it looks pretty messy. I also wanted to work on placement… I’m not super thrilled with the spacing on this one, but I wanted to get this post up for you guys so you could try this DIY as well!

Spray painting presented some extra challenges. One step I would add to maybe get a better result in the end, would be to paint the glass. This would get a nice and even base coat. The challenge we ran into was painting around the beads evenly. They would cast little shadows that created uneven patterns. So we had to ensure we were painting straight on with the canister as rotate the canister, resulting in some extra spray painted coats.

Okay so this is just one way to make this DIY knobby canister. I plan to share another way soon, we will find the perfect way to get the best DIY knobby canister. If you think you have figured it out share it with us so we can try it too. I hope this DIY helps your creative juices flowing for many more fun DIY’s we have lined up here on the blog. As always thank you so much for stopping by the blog today and every other day. XxLizMarie

Another fun & easy DIY:

See how to make these easy DIY pedestals [HERE]

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