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DIY Affordable Glass Pedestals

DIY Affordable Glass Pedestals! Has anyone else been consumed by TikTok and Instagram Reels like I have? I can’t stop watching all of the equally inspiring and hilarious videos that creatives make. The other day I found this DIY by @perkinsonparkway that really inspired me. Her glass pedestals turned out BEAUTIFUL. The DIY reminded me of a project that we did about a year ago titled Easy DIY Pedestals, you can check that DIY out [HERE]. This one was a whole lot cheaper & involved painting so I was all in. This is how mine turned out…

Supplies Needed

Glass Cup option [HERE]

Glass Plate or Bowl options [HERE] and [HERE].

Hot Glue Gun, option [HERE]

Spray Paint a great option [HERE]

Step 1

Consider a glass cup as your base. It can be any size, just make sure it is sturdy enough to be used as a base. This will be flipped over so the base of the glass will be on top. Purchase any size glass plate or bowl for the top portion. Size does not matter and the more unique the better. This is your time to get creative and play with the shape of your pedestal. I purchased mine from the dollar store as a quick and affordable option.

Step 2

Hot glue the 2 bases together. Give some time to let them set and remove any access dried glue strings.

Step 3

Set up an appropriate spot to spray paint. I used some different spray paints that I had leftover from other projects. You could use any color of your liking. Make sure you give them the proper time to dry

3 Steps and you’re done! I hope you all enjoyed this affordable glass pedestal DIY as much as I did! You can place it as a centerpiece on a table or as a catchall near an entryway. The possibilities are endless. If you do this DIY for yourself, I would love to see how it turns out on either Facebook or Instagram. Thank you so much for stopping by the blog today and every day!

xx Liz Marie

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