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Cope’s Christmas Tree

This rainy afternoon was one we will never forget. With all of our tree’s up and decorated, with the exception of one, we save the very best for last. Last year we started a little tradition, with decorating a very small tree just for Cope. Last year’s tree was a little two foot tabletop tree, with some fun ornaments from previous collections and some new. We want to carry that tradition on, and we were so excited that Cope was willing and able to help us decorate this year! Since he was helping us out, we got a tree more his size, and here is how it turned out. It’s a little messy, very colorful, and perfect for our little guys room…

We had so much fun decorating the tree, even though there were some spurts of Cope taking off ornaments faster than we were putting them on. He eventually got the hang of how to get them to stay on the tree. This was a perfect Sunday and a great way to reset our weekend, before we move into the beginning of the work week. It reminded us to appreciate everything in this world, and everything about parenthood, even the tough times. One thing I sat back and realized was how much more we need to document for ourselves. Jose and I have been going to sleep watching videos and looking at photos of Copey in his first few months and days in this world, and the need to keep more of those memories for us as a family.

His recognition for every ornament was what brought so much laughter to our night. Every ornament that was pulled out, was shouted with either its name or some fun two year old gibberish that we just nodded along with. His favorites were the “B-Bow” Rainbow ornaments, and “Socks” the mini knit stockings from Fin and Vince . The Merry Christmas banner is from [HERE]. We had a mixture of boutique ornaments, Deck The Hall Monogram Ornaments from Anthropologie, and Target.

I will do more of his Christmas room later, but I really wanted to bring some joy to the blog today with his happy little tree. I hope it brought you some Christmas joy today as well! Thank you so much for stopping by the blog today and every single day to see what we are up to! xx

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