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College Dorm Checklist: Your Guide to the Essentials

College dorm essentials including a desk, chair on rollers, desk lamp, clock and books
It’s better to be prepared now than have to purchase items after college has started. (DepositPhotos)

Moving out of Mom and Dad’s house and into on- or off-campus housing is an exciting milestone. But before moving day, you’ll need a college dorm checklist to ensure you have the essentials.  

Moving into a dorm or an apartment is a college student’s first taste of independence and freedom.

Having ‘your own place’ — or at least, one to share with a roommate — helps you to break out of your comfort zone, make new friends, and learn how to take care of yourself.

In other words, the dorm experience, like college itself, prepares you for the real world.

However, living on your own requires some advanced planning — which is why MyMove has put together a college dorm checklist.

White mini fridge for a college dorm. Fridge is stocked with assorted juices, bottles of water and fruit.
A mini fridge is a must for all those late-night cravings for food and drinks. (DepositPhotos)

College Dorm Checklist

Whether you need college dorm essentials for guys or for girls, this comprehensive list has everything to cover your basic needs (and even some luxuries).

For instance, you know to bring bedding, clothes and a desktop lamp. But don’t forget waterproof flip-flops for communal bathrooms, silverware for meals, and a coffee maker to start each morning fresh!

There are all kinds of things you need for your college dorm, but may not realize you need, and that’s the purpose of this college dorm checklist:

College Dorm Checklist

Stacked cookware set with cooking board and lids, ready for storage in a college apartment
Living in an apartment provides the opportunity to cook, and that means you’ll need a starter cookware set. (DepositPhotos)

College Apartment Checklist

If you’re living large and will move into an apartment instead of a dorm, MyMove has thought of that, too! Keep reading for the college apartment checklist with all the essentials.

Living in an apartment provides the opportunity to cook, and that means you’ll need a starter cookware set. You’ll also need to clean carpeting and reduce allergens, so a vacuum cleaner is a must. And don’t forget furniture that can double as storage.

Your place should be clean and comfortable, so follow this college apartment checklist to ensure you have all the essentials.

College Apartment Checklist

It’s much better to be prepared now than have to purchase items after the school year has started!

Use the college dorm checklist and the college apartment checklist to make sure you have everything, regardless of your living situation.  

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