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Cleaning Products So Cute, You Can Leave Them Out As Decor

Hey Friends! It’s spring here in Michigan! I have my mindset and there is no turning back! With Spring, comes the daunting task of spring cleaning. As I’m sure you’ve been able to tell, I love a nice clean house. But sometimes it’s hard to find cleaning products that fit a cozy cottage style. In my mind, if the cleaning products are cute, it makes it easier to pick them up and clean. So today I am sharing just that; cleaning products so cute, you can leave them out as decor.

First up is Soap! Yes, we use soap every day to wash our hands and dishes, but have you ever thought of it as a part of your decor? I included cube french soap in the blog post about my kitchen accessories, you can find that here [HERE], but honestly, I would use liquid soap as decor as well!

Next up are towels! Another item that is used regularly, but did you ever think a stack of them would look nice on a kitchen cabinet or bathroom shelf?

Lastly is brushes. I often get asked where I get my brushes, that I have styled in both our laundry room and kitchen. While both functional and decorative, brushes of all kinds can be used on shelves as decor just about anywhere.

You can shop all my picks for decorative cleaning products by clicking the images below:

Do you think you would leave your cleaning products out as home decor? Or do you like it all to be tucked away? Let me know on Facebook or Instagram! Thanks for stopping by the blog today and every day!

xx Liz Marie

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