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Children’s Step Stool Review

With having a busy two-year-old like Cope, it’s difficult sometimes to keep him still and focused. So when a company like Audwell reached out and offered to send Cope a gift for his birthday, I was so excited and frankly relieved that we would be getting a safe step stool option for Cope to use.

Audwell is a children’s furniture company that designs thoughtful creations the fit seamlessly into a home. They also happen to be located right here in West Michigan. The idea of children’s furniture that is useful but also looks aesthetically pleasing is something that is really a great selling point for me.

The Oslo Tower is a step stool that encourages involvement and active participation from your child. Cope loves it because it makes him feel like he is a true ‘big kid’ sitting at the kitchen island. I love it because it’s safe and keeps him gathered while eating and doing other activities. The tower comes in two colors, natural wood, and white. We opted for the white and it will fit in seamlessly with all of our other furniture.

We are so excited to start using this step stool in our everyday routine! What is a priority to you when purchasing children’s furniture? Is it safety, design, or a little of both? Let me know on Facebook or Instagram! Thanks for stopping by the blog today and every day!

xx Liz Marie

Children\'s Step Stool Review

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