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Change Ceiling Fan Direction to Stay Cool, Save Energy

Did you know that you can change the ceiling fan direction to stay cool in the summer? It’s true, and it has an added benefit: it saves energy.

But first, you need to understand something about paddle ceiling fans. They don’t actually cool the air; they just make it feel cooler by increasing evaporation on your skin.

To reduce your air conditioning bill and save energy, run a paddle ceiling fan in a counterclockwise direction during hot weather, and only run the fan when you are in the room to feel the effects.

Danny Lipford: Mary Beth wants to know, “Can I lower my energy bill this summer by keeping my ceiling fans running all the time?”

Yes, you can lower your energy bills by using your ceiling fan if it’s moving in the correct direction. But remember, every time that ceiling fan’s on, it’s using energy.

Now, the only way you’re going to save energy by using a ceiling fan is actually by saving on something else around your home, like your central air-conditioning system. And you can save there by raising the temperature two or three degrees at the thermostat.

This is effective because you’re feeling cooler in the room when you’re using the ceiling fan, and your air conditioner is just not working as hard.

Another thing you need to remember, though, is during the summer months, look up at your ceiling fan and make sure it’s running in a counter-clockwise direction.

And, when you get up to move to another room, turn the ceiling fan off, because the ceiling fan is only cooling people, it’s not cooling the room.

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