Home / Decoration / Best Tips to Protect Your Garden Table and Chairs Coming Winter

Best Tips to Protect Your Garden Table and Chairs Coming Winter

Winter brings with it harsh weather that takes a toll on your expensive garden furniture including tables, chairs, benches, and sofas. No matter what material you use, whether it is metal, wood, or plastic, you need to protect them from snow and moisture damage. If you do not have much storage space, we recommend that you use outdoor furniture covers to protect your garden furniture. Even if you store some of these items in your garage or shed, they need proper cleaning and care.

According to an article published on Forbes.com, your outdoor furniture can range from patio and garden to poolside items, which need care and maintenance. So here are some of the best maintenance tips to protect your garden tables and chairs coming winter:

Clean dirt, dust, and grime

First things first, wash your garden table, bench and chair thoroughly, especially the dirt that has accumulated during the dry, summer months. Use a mild soap, cold water, and a sponge to rinse all chairs, tables, and benches and let them dry under sunlight. Do the cleaning job on a sunny day for quick drying. Once you are through, cover all furniture so that no dust builds upon them.

Use waterproof garden furniture covers


Before your garden furniture takes a harsh beating from the cold winter winds and snow, make sure that you buy waterproof covers for your butterfly tables, chairs, benches, and of course, the plush sofa set, if you happen to have a huge garden area in front of your house.

Opt for secured waterproof garden table covers of the right size. Make sure the fitting is close but not too snug to allow air to pass around your favorite dinner table. All you need to do is place the cover on the table and tie the buckles to it so that the cover does not blow away when a strong wind is blowing. The same rule holds for your outdoor chairs, benches, and sofas.

After cleaning furniture, clean the cushions too

Just cleaning your garden furniture is not the end of your job. You need to machine wash the cushions too. Then, please follow all cleaning instructions carefully. Though machine wash is recommended, if not possible, sponge-clean all cushions and leave them for drying under the sun.


Once you clean and dry all cushions thoroughly, store them inside and not in your garage or shed because these places could be damp, thus damaging your furniture cushions. Avoid storing cushions in any airtight box or container, or for that matter bags to prevent mold and mildew growth.

Cover, fold and store your garden table safely

Use quality patio or garden table cover and store it away during the winter months. If you do not have enough space for storage, keep it outdoors with the cover on the table. Even heavy tables are difficult to move or store and therefore waterproof covers come handy and beneficial. Tie the cover buckles to the legs of the table to keep it secure.


Keep these tips in mind to keep your garden table safe and protected from the elements. Use table covers.

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