Home / Interior Design / Beautiful fake spring florals {that look real}

Beautiful fake spring florals {that look real}

Hello from the tundra! We’re supposed to get a ton of snow — maybe up to 13 inches in the next day or so. It sounds like a lot of us are in for some winter this week, so I thought I would share some beautiful faux spring florals. We can dream of warmer weather and blooming flowers together!  
I found these delicate white flowers on brown stems at Hobby Lobby and they instantly brightened up the room and my mood! Just SO pretty:  
tiny white faux flowers brown stems in vase
Of course, I got them for half off! 
I love a full floral display. When you use faux florals, make sure to take advantage of the wire stems and spread them out as much as possible. 
The small white blooms look fantastic against our dark blue fireplace wall (Cyberspace):
small white flowers in large vase on mantel
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You can find that large stoneware vase here
I found similar options along with some additional pretty spring faux florals to share with you. I don’t usually pull these out for another few weeks, but I’m glad I pulled them out early this year!
These are a great price and have similar white blooms
small white blooms on brown stems
This version has fluffier white flowers
These look more like delicate Dogwood blooms

Cherry blossoms are also perfect for the spring! I display mine in a hanging basket: 
hanging basket with faux cherry blossoms
This pink option is very similar, as is this pink version
If you prefer white cherry blossoms, this one is beautiful! 
You can read more about that blue and white floral wallpaper here. 

There’s no flower that screams SPRING to me (and makes me happier) more than peonies. I look forward our big fluffy blooms every May. (You can read my tips for growing peonies here.)

These faux peonies are more expensive but I hear they are VERY realistic looking: 

faux peonies Pottery Barn
Peony bunch (four stems/eight blooms)
Single faux peonies (pink is half off!)

If you’re not a floral girl, these faux eucalyptus stems are the best I’ve found anywhere:
foyer table with faux eucalyptus and decor

These stems have great reviews online 
I display those all year — they work beautifully no matter what the season. 
Feeling the winter blues? Treat yourself to some pretty faux flowers! I promise they will brighten your day. 🙂  
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