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Ask Me…

Since I have been sheltering in place the past two weeks, my day-to-day life at home hasn’t changed that much since I already work from my home, my business is online and I am an empty-nester.

No hours of home schooling to prepare or having to find activities for kids to keep them occupied. I have also been working in leggings and comfy clothes for as long as I have been blogging, so not even what I wear each day has changed as it has for others.

A sunny day on lake murray

Two things have changed personally for me though. The first is a positive change.

I can no longer workout 3 days a week at my local gym for my morning fitness classes. To keep my fitness level up, I searched online and found many excellent workouts that I have been doing with my laptop out on my deck overlooking the lake.

With the warmer weather, this has become a wonderful option to keep my daily schedule as normal as possible. So even though it is a change I had to make, it is actually very nice and one that I never would have taken the time to consider before.

boa plane taking off from lake murray
A neighbor’s float plane taking off from the lake.

The other change is not as positive for me though and it is pulling at my heartstrings.

My cute granddaughter

… my daughters and granddaughter live 6 hours away. Zoe starting walking a few days after her 1st birthday, which we had to miss because of the travel restrictions in place.

My daughter took this picture yesterday. I LOVE it. She is growing so fast. Her stance in the photo reminds me of a big league pitcher eyeing down a batter getting ready to throw a fastball… except in this case…. it would be fast Binky. 🙂

sitting on deck overlooking lake murray view

When the world shut down, I expected my online life to go on as normal and it has, but it has changed in one way I didn’t expect.

What I didn’t expect was the increasing numbers of questions I have received via email and my Contact Page the past week. Not just a few, but quite a lot.

Readers are writing to me wanted to know where they can find a certain post they remember reading. I am being sent photos of rooms for ideas or what paint should be used on a piece of furniture they want to paint.

Drought resistant flowers

One reader even asked about a post I wrote 5 years ago. They tucked the post in their “some day file” to do and that someday has come now that they have newfound time on their hands. Other readers are simply asking how things are in South Carolina.

Receiving all these questions gave me an idea for this post. Most of us have time on our hands now and it appears that won’t change for at least another 30 days.

I can’t be helping on the frontlines as medical personnel are, but it makes me feel good that I can be helpful to others at this time when we are all at home trying to stay productive while sheltering in place.

If you have been itching to ask me a question… any question, a decorating question about a room in your home, about a project I did and how you can do it in your home, where to find a certain post, what are the best products I use that can be ordered online, to basically anything you want to know about me, just ask and I will answer.

If you have a specific question about a piece of furniture you would like to make over or a room design question, please take a photo with your phone and send it to my email, [email protected]. This way I am better able to see exactly what it is you are asking about. It is the best way as you can’t send photos via my Contact Page or in the Comments section.

We are in this together, if I can help you with a project while you are at home, don’t hesitate to… Ask Me.

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In My Own Style


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