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Antique Halloween Art Mantel

Mantels are one of my favorite spots to decorate for seasons. It’s a great starting palette to creating your seasonal vignette. This one was inspired by the Halloween art my friend Holli made! Holli from Hollihocks is a super talented artist and every year she shares her Halloween art with me to create these super fun looks for you guys. If you are interested in Holli’s work you can check out all of her art here!

For this mantel, I started with our frame tv as the base of the antique artwork display! I found this bat print from BFF Print Shop for our frame tv. Then I started adding in the prints from Holli which are in these gorgeous antique frames. You can find all of these prints on her website here! I love that it makes it look like our tv is another framed piece of art. If you don’t want to cover your tv you could do this in a different spot in your home or choose smaller prints! This look was set up for a halloween party where we wouldn’t be using our TV this isn’t an everyday look for us since the TV is covered. All of the frames used are antique finds as well which add in that old spooky look as well.

Once you have your different art pieces layered on your mantel then you can add in your other Halloween accessories. Things I’m loving this year for Halloween are spider webs, black webbing, bats, spooky houses, and pumpkins. These spider webs have been my favorite to add to our Halloween looks, they stretch so much and add the perfect touch to the vignette. You can find more of my spooky decor sources [HERE].

Quick Tip: If you don’t have Halloween artwork can make any art fit for Halloween by putting the spider webs on it. It gives any piece of art a spooky Halloween vibe!

I hope this shows you ways to think of out the box with your Halloween decor! I got this idea in my head and I loved the statement it makes with all of the large art. As many of you can guess this isn’t a permanent look so I’m not worried about it blocking the tv. If we want to watch tv we’ll just take the art down or watch on one of our other TVs instead. Thank you for stopping by the blog today and every day!

xx liz marie

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