Home / Interior Design / Antique European Mora Clock

Antique European Mora Clock

I have been wanting an Antique European Mora Clock for a while and I am so excited to be adding it to our home. So this past week when this amazing antique find arrived, I could hardly contain my excitement.

The history of the clock is really fascinating. Mora Clocks were made in the 1700s to around 1850 in and around the region of Mora, Sweden. When the agriculture and mining industry was facing hardships, families turned to clock making to supplement their income, every family focusing on a different element of the clock.

The clocks grew in popularity and the design spread across Sweden. The design would change slightly depending on the regions, but the shape always stayed consistent with a softened classic curved belly, to mimic a women’s figure.

I purchased the Antique European Mora Clock through an amazing Etsy shop called White and Faded. As it is an antique I can’t share the exact clock with you. However, I was able to find some great Mora Clock options to share. You can shop all the options by clicking the photos below:

Do you have a piece of antique furniture in your home that has a great history tied with it? I would love to hear about them on Facebook or Instagram! Thanks for stopping by the blog today and every day!

xx Liz Marie

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