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Adoption Grant Family 2021

As many of you know each year we like to donate to a family that is in the process of adopting. Adoption is something very close to our hearts and we love being able to help others with their adoption. For the month of January, we donated 20% of the profits from our online shop to the adoption fund. We are so excited to announce that Kim & Greg are receiving a $ 10,000 adoption grant for 2021! We received so many nominations and there were countless deserving families. In the future, we hope to continue to give to families and help them complete their adoption process. Kim & Greg were kind enough to share their story so that all of you could get to know the family you helped support. We are so happy that they wanted to share their story, continue reading this post to learn more about the family receiving our adoption grant this year! XX – Liz

What led you to adoption?

Greg and I knew from early on in our relationship that we wanted a family, we just never expected it’d be so challenging! We endured 3 miscarriages within a year which led to me being diagnosed with PCOS. At that point we had two options: keep trying and pursue fertility treatments with no guarantee or  consider growing our family through adoption. We committed to pray about it for a week. At the week’s end we felt nothing. God felt silent. Through a sermon that weekend we felt like God was calling us to make the first step in faith- we decided to start researching adoption and if it wasn’t a part of His plan, we trusted He would close the door. Well, He did just the opposite- He flung it wide open! We had such peace- we KNEW this was the next part of our journey and we haven’t looked back since!

When did you start your adoption journey?

We started our adoption journey March 2020- two weeks before the pandemic! We began by signing on with an adoption consultant and then started our home study. The pandemic definitely made things interesting and made our timeline a bit of a rollercoaster. Our home study was ready to be completed by May, but our state clearances took four months to come back! Our home study was officially complete at the end of July and we went ‘active’ the 2nd week in August. We matched with an expectant mom the 2nd week of September and baby is due March 12! The whole process has taken us exactly a year. 

What resources have you used to learn about the adoption process? 

We were CLUELESS about adoption and the process when we first began! The very first thing we did was reach out to another adoptive family we trusted and asked them about their journey.  We also joined a local adoptive support group through Facebook (they meet for events/activities too) and a nationwide adoption Facebook group. Connecting with others who have gone through adoption before us has been the most educational and encouraging resource. Along with that, we dove into many books that came recommended by others. There is so much info out there, you just have to know where to find it. 

From your experience, do you have anything you recommend to other families who are looking to adopt? Three pieces of advice: 1) Don’t let fear hold you back. So much about the adoption process is scary- the crazy amount of paperwork/questions, the unknowns, the finances, the emotions…but it is SO worth it. You will learn as you go, the funds will come, and the relationships you form will be worth every tear and frustration along the way. 2) Be confident in the choices you make. There are SO many opinions out there regarding adoption- what’s right/what’s wrong. You know what’s best for your family!  3) Don’t be afraid to seek counseling. I’ve seen a counselor for quite a few years and having someone to talk with throughout this process has been SO helpful! 

Will your adoption be open or closed?

We thought we wanted a closed adoption. I’m so glad we asked others about their experiences and did a bit of research regarding this. Our adoption is open. We have built a fantastic relationship with our expectant momma. She is phenomenal. We were actually able to go visit her in December and she now feels like a part of our family. We text/talk weekly. It’s important to understand open adoption is NOT co-parenting. However, there are so many advantages to having an open adoption and we are grateful our son will know his first family. It’s truly a beautiful relationship!

When will you tell your child they were adopted? 

Our son will know he’s adopted from Day 1. We want him to know that he is so loved, we want him to know his first family, and we want his adoption to be a natural part of his story. 

Are you doing anything to prepare your friends and family for adoption?

We have had lots of conversations with friends and family about our adoption and I’ve blogged about our entire journey as a way to educate others. One of the books we had to read for our home study education was ‘In On It: What Adoptive Parents Would Like You to Know About Adoption’ by Elisabeth O’Toole. This is a fantastic book to share with friends/family to help them understand the adoption process, appropriate adoption language, and the many emotions everyone a part of the process might feel. 

How did you find your adoption agency?

We actually found them via Pinterest! It was definitely a God-thing as we were researching local adoption agencies and none felt like the right fit for us. One night I randomly searched ‘adoption’ on Pinterest and was brought to a blog of an adoptive family that used Faithful Adoption Consultants. I went to their website, felt an immediate connection, emailed them, and had a response 45 minutes later! The next day we had an informational call with them and we knew this was where God was leading. They have been phenomenal to work with!

If you’d like to learn more about Kim & Greg’s adoption journey, Kim shares updates on her blog here! We are so excited to gift them this grant as they are less than one month away from the birth of their son. We can’t wait to see their journey unfold further and watch their family grow! Thank you to all of you who helped contribute to this adoption grant, your support means the world.

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