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A Video Tour of My Home

Entryway of house to start video home tour of bloggers home.

I am sharing something I have never shared before on my blog. A walk-through video tour of my home showing you how the rooms you see in the still photos in all my posts flow into one another.

My blogging friend, Jennifer, over at Town & Country Living came up with the idea for this hop and I thought it was a great idea that I think you will enjoy.

The basis of the blog hop is about showing the layout of our houses – or rather, the flow of the rooms in our homes.

I know if you read my blog, you enjoy seeing how I decorate my home, but you don’t always get to see the actual house layout because I usually post photos of one angle of a room or a close up of the details.

This post is about sharing what happens once you walk through my front door. What room comes next?

Find out by taking my home flow tour below:

In My Own Style Home Flow Tour Video

If you liked the tour, tell me in the comments and I will make sure to do another video tour of the upstairs once we get the guest room changes completed. Ed finished his part of “project guest rooms”, now it is up to me to put the finishing touches on each room. Stay tuned.

If you would like to see any of the rooms in my home in more detail. Here is a list of posts that feature each room:

If you have any questions about anything you saw in the video, just ask me in the comments.

Take the Flow of Home Tour


Flow of Home Blog Tour

Town and Country Living / Finding Silver Pennies / Worthing Court


Flow of Home Blog Tour

Zevy Joy / Rooms for Rent

Entryway of house to start video home tour of bloggers home.
Pink hydrangeas in a glass vase image for readers to subscribe to blog

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In My Own Style


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