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A Quick House Update/Blog Experiment

Hey there. I subscribed to some new software that will allow me to share the Instagram Stories I’ve created here on Design Mom. (I don’t think it will allow me to share older stories — just the new stuff moving forward — but I’m not totally sure about that yet.)

Let me know what you think about this format. And I should note: Stories include a mix of still shots and video, but I know not everyone can listen to video, so I try to be careful to add captions.

For this first attempt, I’m sharing 6 panels. The first two are about our laundry room floor. We took out what we thought were some wooden cabinets in the laundry room — and it turns out they were made of concrete!

We ended up needed to pull out a whole concrete slab. Which means the floor now needs to be repaired. We considered replacing the current tile, but it is vintage and durable and I love the look. So instead of replacing, we started looking into patching it, and the we’re pretty excited about what we found. It turns out our tile supplier, Winckelmans, has a very similar tile! In fact, it’s possible they were the original suppliers of the tile in this house. (Wouldn’t that be wild?)

The last four panels of the Story I’m embedding, discuss how we’re handling some of the plumbing in the parent’s bathroom. The copper pipes are pretty, and I don’t mind having them exposed, but the grey plastic evacuation pipe isn’t quite so handsome. So our mason is planning to box the pipes in, and then tile over the box.

This is my first attempt at sharing my Instagram Stories within a blog post, and I’m hoping this works well, because these days I do a ton of content creation on Instagram Stories and I want to share it with blog readers too.

I feel confident I’ll get better at this as I learn the new software and explore my options. Thanks for your patience as I try something new.

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