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A Few Things — and Happy New Year!

Hello, Friends. How are you? How was your end-of-December? Has it felt like a strange holiday break to you? What felt different this year and what felt the same? Is there anything new you tried this holiday that you’ll repeat next December? I’d love to hear how you’re doing.

We’re starting the new year with a reading marathon today. Our reading marathons are always casual and stress-free — everyone together, lots of good books, pajamas, throw blankets, a loose schedule, and snacks on hand (a mix of healthy and not so healthy).

Something that I noticed today — and I can’t decide if it’s worrisome or just a phase: I seem to have lost my appetite for reading fiction for pleasure. Reading to learn or reading for research is no problem. But diving into a novel and taking a mental escape till the story is done? I can’t seem to do it. Not sure what’s up with that. Will I feel differently in a week or a month or a year? Has this ever happened to you?

I hope you’re in the mood for a link list. Because here are a few things I’ve wanted to share:

-URGHHH. The Nashville bomber’s girlfriend told police that he was building a bomb last year. They didn’t interview him, but they did give her a psych evaluation.

-So cool! Archaeologists uncover ancient street food shop in Pompeii.

-Heart breaking. A landslide in a Norwegian village has buried homes under dark mud, injuring 10 people — one seriously — and leaving a further 10 missing. So many homes destroyed. Please keep Norway/Gjerdrum in your thoughts.

-Ohio State study: 30% of student athletes have heart damage linked to COVID-19.

-Kim Kardashian and the Year of Unchecked Privilege-Checking.

-So horrible. Inside Trump and Barr’s Last-Minute Killing Spree.

-When’s the last time you had Baby cravings?

-Olive introduced me to the affordable beauty brand The Ordinary and I’m trying out a couple of products — Buffet ($ 14.80) and Natural Moisturizing Factors ($ 5.80). Have you heard of The Ordinary? Do you have a favorite product from their line?

Here are some tweets I saved for you:

-This is so hard for my brain to comprehend.

Remember Y2K?

We punish being poor in every possible way.

-This makes me so angry. We can easily provide relief, but the GOP won’t let us.

-You can’t reform the current state of policing. Defund and abolish. Reimagine how to best serve the community and start from scratch with a better system based on what actually works.

Domestic terrorism by white conservative men.

-I feel the same way.

No but really.


-Speaking of Tiktok, I think I’ve watched this 20 times. It’s so good. He writes songs based on internet comment drama.

I have you have a wonderful first weekend of 2021. I’ll meet you back here on Monday. I miss you already.


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