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A Few Things

Hello, Friends! How are you? How was your week? Mine was so good! I’m still here in Palm Springs. This is the last official day of Alt Summit 2020 — though it’s pretty relaxed. A few meetups this morning, and a one-day session of the Huddle. Most people are traveling back home today so lots of goodbyes too.

It’s been an incredible week. For sure our best Alt Summit yet — even with some last-minute cancellations related to fear and caution around coronavirus. I got to interview Soledad O’Brien on Monday. And connect with Shannon Watts on Tuesday. And be surrounded by 2000 amazing women for lots of days. I’m feeling very lucky. I saved a bunch of Alt Summit peeks to my Story Highlights if you’re curious (and check out the #altsummit hashtag on Instagram too).

Yesterday, as I was sitting at a table of attendees working on some Alt Summit announcements, I heard the news about Elizabeth Warren ending her campaign. I started weeping. I knew it was coming after Super Tuesday, but I’m so, so sad. Not much else to say yet. I haven’t had time to even think about it. : (

I’ve got a long link list for you today. Here are a few things I’ve been wanting to share. (There’s a bit cussing in there today — reflective of my sadness and anger.)

-The unwillingness to tackle the the horrible problem of child sexual abuse imagery online is a stark example of the abdication of responsibility of tech companies.

Geothermal palettes.

-Please save the masks for health-care professionals. Another good explainer here.

Female Candidate.

-For those of us with a parent who died young. (My father died at age 52.)

-There’s a secret passageway from 1660 in the British House of Commons, and they just rediscovered it.

-“People think all the time about … survival of the fittest, but really it’s survival of the friendliest.”

What Elizabeth Warren taught us.

-How the coronavirus compares with the flu.

-What are your thoughts on gender?

-Hey there, Utahns. There’s an important protest today, Friday, March 6th, in support of LGTBQ+ students at CES schools. Salt Lake City. Church Office Building. It will be a needed and safe space for both believers and non believers with moving messages from speakers in the community.

-What are you reading lately? I’ve heard great things about the novel Wanderers and bought it to read on the plane ride home tomorrow.

Here are some tweets I saved for you:

-A thread of 20-second songs you can sing while washing your hands.

-Wait. What? So the government can just cancel co-pays? How did I not know this?

-Thinking about the courts.

-“The way it was going it’s like it was set up for me to walk away, walk away, don’t worry about it.”

-If your team doesn’t want people to vote, maybe you’re not on a good team.

-Why soap is the best defense.

-Trying to get a sense of how much a billion is; of how much multiple billions is.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I’ll meet you back here on Monday. I miss you already.


Photo by Nicole Breanne Shabada.

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