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A Few Things

Hello, Friends. How are you? Did you have a good week?

I am writing this from Charles De Gaulle airport in Paris. By the time you read the post, I’ll be in the air, headed to Palm Springs for Alt Summit. I’m always so nervous before the conference — it’s that feeling when you’re throwing a party and you hope everyone is going to have a good time. But it’s a party for 2000 people that lasts for 6 days and has hundreds of speakers and classes. Hah!

On Monday for the opening keynote, I’ll be interviewing Soledad O’Brien and Danielle Bernstein (it will be separate interviews). I love interviewing people and am especially looking forward to this. But holy moly interview prep takes so much time and research. Every time I write interview questions I come away with huge respect for journalists that do this for a living.

I’m going to head out now, but before I go, here are a few things I’ve been wanting to share with you:

-Scotland is now a big step closer to becoming the first country in the world to make tampons and pads free to anyone who needs them.

-Alabama blocked a man from voting because he owed $ 4.

The Bible that oozed oil.

-My Ex-Boyfriend’s New Girlfriend Is Lady Gaga.

-Harvey Weinstein is going to jail. Remember, this is the full list of his accusers.

-“Women who are not ambitious and who don’t threaten male supremacy have no idea how ugly it can get if you try to take just one tiny corner of the world for yourself.”

-The cruelty is so disturbing. West Virginia charges prisoners 3 cents a minute to read e-books from free library, despite earning less than $ 1 an hour.

-When your kids sue you for giving birth to them.

-She wants to purify capitalism so it works as it should. “Warren has an almost supernatural ability to identify problems before anyone else, and to work relentlessly to solve them.”

-It is often said that in times of crisis, people search for something to believe in. For a certain milieu of millennials, that something is astrology.

-I meant to order a wicker bag for my trip to Palm Springs, but I never did. This is the style (#01) I’m thinking of.

Here are some tweets I saved for you:

-A remarkable thread about stopping the cycle of abuse.

-A thread about growing older that’s different than the stuff that usually gets written.

-Thinking about U.S. History.

-Woah. This video. (You can find the writing here.)

-Now I want to watch this movie that doesn’t exist.

-Hah! This was definitely what design school was like for me.

I hope you have a lovely weekend. I’ll meet you back here next week. I miss you already.


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