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A Few Things

Hello, Friends. How are you? How was your week? Ours was good — lots of slow and steady progress at the Tall House. Sometimes I think I can see an actual move-in date! But mostly, I know I just need to be patient.

Speaking of patience, it’s been so encouraging to see the vaccine rollout doing so well in the U.S.. Being able to have gatherings in July sounds dreamy! We’re getting notes from friends who are making plans to travel to France this summer, and we’re feeling hopeful. In Europe, the vaccine rollout has been much slower, so it will be interesting to see what European countries decide to do with opening their borders and travel permissions this summer. We are waiting for announcements, trying to figure out if it will be better to bring our older kids to France, or if it will be better to travel to the U.S. for a summer trip. Or maybe the fall is more realistic? Who knows. How are you feeling about the vaccine progress where you live? Have you been able to get a shot yet?

I’ve got a really good link list for you today. Here are a few things I’ve wanted to share:

-I loved doing this interview on the Adult Conversation Podcast. We covered talking about vasectomies with your partner, feminism within Mormonism, and shiplap/wood paneling.

-Nearly 1 in 3 people who contract COVID still experience symptoms after nine months.

-Elite schools breed entitlement, entrench inequality—and then pretend to be engines of social change.

-Please don’t donate to or support Operation Underground Railroad (OUR).

-Did you lose your identity when you had kids?

-The son of my Oakland friend has a rare genetic disease called AGU. It’s heartbreaking. The families dealing with AGU have been told it can be cured — which is amazing!! But there are so few people who have AGU, that the pharmaceutical companies aren’t interested. So the families are raising a million dollars to finish the testing needed for the cure. If you can help, here’s the link.

-New independent report claims “clear and convincing” evidence that China is committing genocide in Xinjiang.

-Women often get labeled “too emotional” even though men and women display the same amount of emotions. They just show different kinds of emotions.

-Ben Blair requested a punching bag for his birthday. We don’t know when the gyms will reopen here, so he’s been looking up punching bag workouts too.

Here are some tweets I saved for you:

Tech bias.

-People don’t need to go hungry. We choose this.

-Have you ever heard the term “Thomasson”? It’s new to me.

Super important thread.

This makes me angry.

-Quick reminder: A worldwide pandemic can’t be over until the entire world is vaccinated. What is the argument for preserving Covid vaccine patents?

-I feel seen. My reading attention span is not what it used to be.

Because of other men.

-If you find yourself worrying about how other people are spending their stimulus check, mind your own business.

-Are you ready to be done with twice yearly time changes?


-Protect Black women in media, too.

-We can’t trust police to police themselves.

It’s not as easy as it sounds.

Every time.

There’s no rule.


I hope you’re having a lovely weekend. I’ll meet you back here this week. I miss you already.


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