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A Few Things

Hello, Friend. How are you? I’m here with a Monday edition of my usual Friday post. How was your weekend? Ours was good. We were busy doing some exploring, squeezing the last few moments out of Winter Break, and we celebrated Ben Blair’s birthday. And now, the kids are back in school today, and we’re back to a regular working schedule.

We’ve been having freezing temperatures at night, but this week, the weather may rise to the 50s(!), and we’re definitely seeing signs of Spring. How about you?

I’ve got an especially good link list for you today. Here are a few things I’ve wanted to share:

-As I write this post, I’m streaming the Oprah + Meghan + Harry interview. Did you get a chance to watch it? I don’t really follow news about the Royal Family much, but I find that I feel so protective of Meghan. (Related, the comments on this tweet were entertaining.)

-Tell Your Boss the Four-Day Week Is Coming Soon. (Here’s a related tweet with interesting commentary.)

-A new study has found that three species of deep-sea shark, including the six-foot-long kitefin shark, are bioluminescent.

-Far-Right Misinformation Is [STILL] Thriving On Facebook.

-I’m not sure if it was the escalation or what, but this piece made me laugh so hard.

-The evolution of Oval Office decor.

-My Great-Grandfather, the Nigerian Slave-Trader.

-As Trump’s Transportation Secretary, Elaine Chao used her position and agency staff to help with personal errands, marketing her dad’s book, and to help family members who run a shipping business with ties to China.

-125 people in Stockton, California got $ 500 per month for two years without rules on how to spend it, in a major experiment of universal basic income. They paid off debt, got full-time jobs and reported lower rates of anxiety.

Keeping cut flowers fresh.

We steal our daughter’s time and give it to our sons, and teach them to become wives who give up their time to their husbands.

-A sand-filled Namibian ghost town.

-Rumor has it rents are plunging in New York City. Would you ever be tempted to move there?

-I splurged on an eyeshadow palette. It’s my first.

Here are some tweets I saved for you:

-I keep thinking this is going to change and it keeps not changing.

-I’m not sure if everyone understands this.

This is delightful.

-We punish poor people whenever possible in a million ways.

-It sure seems like the Republicans only goal is to “hurt the libs”.

-Click through to read them all.

More progressive than FDR? Do you agree?

This is very true.

-So pretty and enjoyable to look at.

I hope you had a great weekend and I hope you have a lovely Monday. I missed you like crazy.


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