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A Few Things

Hello Friends. How are you? How was your week? We had a happy, simple Thanksgiving here at home. All the usual foods, but no guests, which makes everything feel like much lower stakes, you know? We missed our big kids who were in the U.S., but we had a lovely family video call and we’re grateful we could connect. It definitely felt like one of our most relaxing Thanksgiving holidays ever.

As I’m sure you know, Thanksgiving isn’t a holiday here in France, but our kids took the day off from school on Thursday, and then they went back on Friday. Oscar was out early on Friday so he helped me pull out the Christmas boxes and set up the Nativity so Betty & Flora June would be surprised when they got home from school. We had spices simmering on the stove, and Christmas music playing, and when everyone was home it felt like the official start of our Christmas Season.

I know this is a big shopping weekend. If it helps, I’ve shared a few shopping guides over the last few weeks, and there are a few more coming.

Holiday Prep Supplies
Young Adult Gift Guide
Shopping Guide for a Holiday at Home
100% Cotton PJs
Beauty & Skincare Shopping Guide

For Small Business Saturday, I shared 50 terrific companies on Instagram Stories — all owned by Black Women or Indigenous Women. I included links to their websites and their Instagram pages.


In the mood for some weekend links? Here are a few things I’ve been wanting to share with you:

-“It feels like the moment Instagram’s power as a tool for organizing and creating communities was unlocked, the company dug deeper into commercialism, oblivious to how so many people were using the app.”

-A new film chronicles the illegal sterilisation of women in prisons.

The Guy Who Decides Packaging. (I couldn’t stop laughing.)

-‘Reach Out to Trump Supporters,’ They Said. I Tried. I give up.

-The first — and only — randomized controlled study of the use of face coverings to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is finished. The conclusion: masks are most effective if everyone wears them.

-“Other countries have social safety nets; the U.S. has women.”

Easiest lasagna recipe ever.

-Meg Conley wrote an excellent 3-part series on home ownership in America (and the shame around it).

-I mentioned we’ve been moving heavy things (like cast iron radiators) and tons of people recommended Forearm Forklift and Shoulder Dolly moving straps. Have you ever tried them? I want to order a set, but I’m wondering if one brand is substantially better than the other.

Here are some tweets I saved for you:

Thoughts on the recent Supreme Court decision.

A thread on ways to support Native folks this weekend.

-A heartbreaking thread from a family dealing with Covid-19.

-I’d never heard of Paul R. Williams until I read this tweet. Click through to read more in the thread.

-I love following this account on Twitter. I enjoy the broad range of art they introduce me to, or remind me of.

A thread with good info about student loan debt cancellation.

-Our picture of rural life doesn’t always match up with real life.

-The ultimate party planned at age 8.

A haiku.

I hope you have a gorgeous weekend. I’ll meet you back here on Monday. I miss you already.


P.S. — Here are some snapshots from our Thanksgiving Day:

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Design Mom


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