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A Few Things

Hello, Friends. How are you? How was your week? I thought my mind wouldn’t be so distracted after the election, but I was definitely wrong. I look forward to a future time when we don’t have to think about the President for days or weeks at a time. (Remember what that was like?)

We’re looking at a typical low-key weekend of quarantine — movies, baking, etc.. If the weather is decent, maybe we’ll do some yard work over at the renovation. What about you? Anything you’re looking forward to this weekend?

Ready for links? Here are a few things I’ve wanted to share with you:

-The same police force that murdered Breonna Taylor hid 750,000(!) records of sexual abuse of minors by their officers(!) and then lied to keep those files secret. Louisville’s Metro Council voted to increase their funding this year.

-I Got COVID-19 in March and Never Got Better.

Is This the Beginning of the End of American Racism? Donald Trump has revealed the depths of the country’s prejudice—and has inadvertently forced a reckoning.

One wedding with 55 people led to Covid outbreaks in the community, at a long-term care facility 100 miles away, and at a correctional facility 200 miles away. 177 cases, 7 hospitalizations, and 7 deaths were linked to the wedding. No one who died had attended the wedding.

I LOVE this interview with AOC.

-How the pandemic got people smoking again.

Decriminalize poverty. After Chicago canceled late fees for library books, there was an 83% increase in books returned, 11,000 people got their library card back, 7% growth in books checked out, and they only l $ 900k in fees which is 0.009% of city budget.

-Pfizer’s Early Data Shows Vaccine Is More Than 90% Effective.

-6 Black women organizers on what happened in Georgia — and what comes next.

-A study determined that 18 Trump rallies have lead to 30,000 COVID-19 cases, and 700 deaths.

-At some point, people will claim that Trump “wasn’t really that bad.” Here is a list to keep handy — A Catalog of Trump’s Worst Cruelties, Collusions, Corruptions, and Crimes.

-Let’s talk about step-parenting and step-relationships.

-More than 130 Secret Service officers are said to be infected with coronavirus or quarantining in wake of Trump’s campaign travel.

-Gross. In 2012, the IRS audited 1 in every 7 people making over $ 10 million, now it’s 1 in every 3,000. Americans poor enough to get public assistance are 20x more likely to be audited than the rich, who are responsible for most unpaid taxes.

-I miss my oldest two kids. Sending them cozy blankets because I can’t hug them.

Here are some tweets I saved for you:

-A thread from Elizabeth Warren listing 8 things Biden can do on Day One.

We can do much better for our veterans.

Two statistics that are reorienting my brain.

-From a discussion about disclosing wages.

-A chart with the history of the filibuster.

What a cool thing to think of.

-A thread with side-by-side images to show how the world looks when colorblind.

-Hah! These interviews are something else.

I hope you have a terrific weekend. I’ll meet you back here on Monday. I miss you already.


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