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A Few Things

Hello, Friends. Happy October! How was your week? Are you doing okay? What’s on your mind most? Trump having Covid-19? Trump’s criminal tax evasion and money laundering? The embarrassment that was Trump at the debate? (How are Trump supporters not exhausted by him about this point?)

The news came so fast and furious this week — I feel like I could barely keep up. And Monday feels like it was a month ago. Will things slow down over the weekend? We’ll find out.

Speaking of this weekend: I am trying hard to finish up the details of our kitchen design. My goal is go through each future cupboard and drawer and figure out what is going to go where, so that I can see if any of the cabinet configurations needs to change. Beyond that, I’m sure we’ll watch a Halloween movie or two.

Ready for links? Here are a few things I’ve been wanting to share:

-A must-read investigation about the far-right militant group that’s recruited thousands of police, soldiers, and veterans — and what they’re preparing for.

-Learning about sexism in America from Reddit’s AITA (Am I The A**hole).

If Amy Coney Barrett was a Muslim.

-“There’s an authority figure and voice that has been missing from the COVID-19 conversation since day one: a mental health commissioner or czar. In other words, a mental health version of Anthony Fauci.”

-“Own the Libs” Is Gradually Morphing Into “Kill the Libs”.

-A conversation with Sarah Kendzior, scholar of authoritarianism and vindicated alarmist.

-Trump is mafia boss. “The Agriculture Department last week began mandating that millions of boxes of surplus food for needy families include a letter from Trump claiming credit for the program.”

-He is the worst possible president. A new study analyzing 38 million articles finds the ‘single largest driver’ of false information about the pandemic is Donald Trump.

-Whoa. Is this for real? “Did you know that study after study finds most people don’t seem to transmit COVID at all? That a small percent is responsible for almost all infections?

-Channel 4 in Britain shows, in detail, how Donald Trump and Russian intelligence worked to keep Black Americans from voting. “A historic scandal — and an act of war.”

-New super-enzyme eats plastic bottles six times faster.


-Ben Blair brought home lots of American junk food and comfort food (pictured above — the first things we gobbled up were the Take 5s). He also brought me a fresh pair of Levi’s 501s (my old pair are so thrashed and stained from all the renovation work).

Here are some tweets I saved for you:

Terrific thread that gives more understanding into what’s happening with Trump’s taxes.


-The governor of Texas is trying to prevent citizens from voting.

-An important thread about miscarriages. Please read.

-How countries are handling Covid is a choice.

-The country is not better off now than it was 4 years ago.

Interesting take.

This is so disturbing. White ladies, we have to be better than this.

I read this the morning after the debate and it stuck with me.

-The terrorists were born and raised here, support Trump, and very much want a civil war.

Of course it’s radical. It needs to be radical. We all need to become radicalized.

-I faxed my ballot today. Woo hoo! Have you voted yet? Checked your registration? Made a voting plan? Please make it a priority — the GOP would not be trying so hard to prevent you from voting if your vote wasn’t super important.

Two different worlds in the same America.

I hope you have a good weekend. I’ll meet you back here next week. I miss you already.


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